24: Justice, Part 2

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You've still been fully suspicious of the old lady ever since Jotaro's accusation.

Even after her cheerful words as she walked you all to her hotel and showed you the lobby, which including her talking about how some famous guy once visited and reminding you all that there's only room for one person in each bedroom, you didn't trust her one bit. As she was busy talking to Polnareff, Jotaro taps you on the shoulder. You look up at him, seeing what he wants.

"Write a fake name down on that guest sheet over there," he says in a low voice, pointing to the hotel sign in book that's sitting on the front counter in the hotel lobby. "Go tell Polnareff to do the same once you get the chance."

You nod as Jotaro turns to Kakyoin, likely telling him to write a fake name as well. The old lady, who according to the nameplate on the counter is named Enya, walks behind the counter and opens up the sign in book to an empty page. "All I'll need for you is to sign your names here!" She says enthusiastically.

Mr. Joestar writes his name on the paper first, most likely not using a fake name due to the fact Enya already seems to know who his name.

Polnareff picks up the pen, about to write his name, until you gently tap on his shoulder.

"Eh?" He says as you stand on your toes to whisper into his ear.

"Jojo said to write a fake name on that paper. We're suspecting this woman may have some relation to DIO,"  You whisper to Polnareff. He looks at you for a moment and gives a short nod before laughing.

"You're right, this lady doesn't know that she's in the presence of a celebrity!" Polnareff laughs, presumably making up some story for why you whispered to him.

What the hell is he going on about? You ask yourself, yet you pretend as if you weren't confused by his words at all.

Polnareff picks up the pen, writing his name with a few variations as to make it seem completely different. "You better save this page forever, lady. Treat my writing like a million dollar autograph!" He says as he laughs loudly.

"My, my... I'll be sure to take care of it...!" Enya says, looking away. Kakyoin writes his name down on the page next, replacing the name 'Noriaki' with 'Tenmei'; this decision is actually quite clever, seeing as the Kanji in the names Noriaki and Tenmei can look alike, just read differently.

You write yours down next, keeping your first name the same. However, you change your last name, cutting any ties to your father that it may present.

You set the pen down, Jotaro picking up the pen afterwards to quickly write a fake name as well.

Qtaro Kujo... how the hell do I even pronounce that?

"We're done," Jotaro says as he shuts the book and pushes it back towards Enya.

"Thank you all! I will show you to your rooms now, follow me to the third floor," Enya says as she reaches towards the sign in book to grab it. However, as you pay closer attention to something than you did before, you begin to connect the dots.

"Hey, Jojo..." You say quietly to him as everyone else walks ahead. "Do you remember the Stand user we fought back in Singapore? The one who gave us hints about that man with the two right hands?" You quietly ask him.

"Mhm... what about it?" Jotaro sticks his hands in his pockets and looks down at you with a curious expression while you walk side by side up the stairs towards where Enya is taking the others.

"I also remember him mentioning an old lady that was that guy's mom who also works for DIO. I didn't think much of it until I noticed this hag's left hand is bandaged up. You don't think that this is the lady he was talking about, and the second right hand could be genetic, could it?" You ask him.

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