25: Dreams

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Man, road trips were way more boring than you had originally imagined them to be before this trip.

Even with the occasional sound of someone asking Kakyoin how close we were to the nearest town seeing as he had the map and the sound of your stomach rumbling in hunger, it was rather boring. Even the old lady hasn't woken up yet.

Mr. Joestar is hoping to pry some information out of her once she does wake up, however, you're not sure if she's going to just give in that easily. You've already heard Polnareff complain about how she keeps mumbling the same words in her sleep, Lord DIO or something of the sorts.

"Are we almost there yet? I'm getting hungry," You turn around in your seat, asking Kakyoin the same question for the third time. Kakyoin chuckles, checking the map in his hands.

"Mr. Joestar, if you take the next exit we'll be in the nearest town. I think (Y/n) is going to die if we don't feed her," Kakyoin jokes.

You give a small hmph, turning back around in your seat and trying to look far ahead of you. As Mr. Joestar drives further, a rather lively town comes into view. Mr. Joestar takes a left turn, and eventually makes his way onto the main road.

"Phew, this town is normal!" Polnareff happily exclaims. He's right- you look around, seeing many different people go about their daily business. Vendors are running booths that sell various goods, people buying said goods, and just overall having a much more lively atmosphere. It almost puts you at ease.

"Hey, look!" Mr. Joestar says. "There's a doner kebab stand over there. Let's stop and grab something to eat," he says, pulling over beside the sidewalk to take a look.

Your eyes light up at the sound of a new food. As Mr. Joestar stops the car, you get a look at the delicious food that the hooded vendor is selling. A slab of what looks like chicken is being turned and roasted.

As you reach for your wallet in your bag, Mr. Joestar stops you. "No need for that. It's on me!"

"But Mr. Joestar, all of the purchases on this trip have been on you," You say to him. Sure, it was nice not having to spend all of your money, but you didn't like the idea of Mr. Joestar buying every single little thing for you.

"(Y/n), like I've said, he's a rich, bored old man. He needs something to spend all of his money on," Jotaro says, rolling his eyes.

"Hey! I'm not that old," Mr. Joestar says as he put his hands over his heart, acting hurt by his grandson's words. Jotaro just scoffs.

"You're sixty-nine. That's old."

"And I still don't look a day over fifty!" Mr. Joestar laughs and says with a wink, causing you to internally face palm and Jotaro to groan in annoyance. As he goes to buy food for you all, you turn around in your seat to face Jotaro.

"What does he even do anyways?" You ask him. You know that Jotaro's grandparents live in the States, but you didn't know what Mr. Joestar did.

"He owns some big real estate company or some shit. Apparently there's also some other company that's been putting money into his pockets before he was even born. The Old Man's loaded."

"Ah, so no wonder Mr. Joestar didn't seem phased whenever he bought this car," Polnareff says from the back row. "I was even being really careful driving it too since it was so expensive!"

"You should have been careful driving anyways," Kakyoin reminds him. "It would be embarrassing having survived all of these Stand attacks and ultimately dying in a car crash."

You just laugh at Kakyoin's words. "Hmm.. oh well. Maybe I'll be rich one day too and I'll be able to pay you guys back for all of this stuff. I am wanting to go to medical school, after all." Not only would your Stand be very useful in the medical field, but you just liked the idea of helping people. "Hopefully I'll be a rich doctor."

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