26: The Lovers

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What the fuck?!

Your vision blacks out for a moment and you cough up blood as you land harshly on the concrete.


Kakyoin is the first one to rush towards you. He has a panicked expression on his face as he gently holds your head up with one arm and cups your face with his free hand. "(Y/n)! Are you okay?!"

You groan as your vision refocuses and you lean into Kakyoin's hand. "N-Noriaki...? W-What happened...?"

Mr. Joestar and Polnareff run towards you next to check on you. Jotaro is mortified as he looks back at you. He didn't know what exactly happened, but he had a terrible feeling that he caused your injury somehow.

"Jotaro... How rude, you didn't even let me finish! You could have killed your little girlfriend," Steely Dan says to Jotaro, the others not taking notice to his choice of words as they try to make sure that you're alright. Jotaro doesn't even attempt to correct Steely Dan, but rather lunges at him to attack once more.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Jotaro screams at Steely Dan, holding him in the air by his throat. Your eyes widen whenever you feel your throat close as if someone was choking you as well.

"J-Jojo..." You barely manage to croak out, your vision turning white. "P-please..."

Kakyoin realizes what is happening and he turns to Jotaro while Mr. Joestar gently holds you up instead. You discreetly have Red Velvet's ribbon wrap around your torso, some of the pain from the previous attack subsiding.

"Jojo! Stop, that's hurting her!" Jotaro's eyes widen at Kakyoin's words. He immediately puts Steely Dan down, giving him a death glare.

"I'm going to fucking kill you."

Steely Dan only laughs. "Listen closely. Did you really think I appeared before you just to kill Enya?"

You wrap one arm around Mr. Joestar as he helps you get onto your feet. "You bastard... What the hell did you do to me?!" You ask Steely Dan angrily.

The only explanation to this is that his Stand is somehow inflicting every injury he gets onto me. But how is that possible...?!

"The only thing you must know is that this battle has already begun, Miss (L/n). You fools will never find my Stand no matter how hard you look." Steely Dan notices a kid sweeping the ground behind him. A smug smile covers his face as he reaches into his pockets for something. "Hey kid!"

"Huh?" The kid with the broom turns around, his eyes widening in surprise as Steely Dan brings a slip of money out of his pocket.

"Here's a tip. Hit me in the leg with your broom." He throws the money, the kid catching it in the air.

You look between the others in fear of what is about to happen.

"B-But sir, are you sure—"

"Just hit me, damn it!" Steely Dan cuts him off. The kid nods, taking the broom and hitting him in the leg as hard as he possibly can.

"Ow, shit!" You cry out, an immense pain going throughout your whole leg, almost losing your balance if it weren't for Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin to stabilize you again. "That hurts, you bitch!" You once again have your Stand's ribbon wrap around your leg under your pants, making the pain subside while still keeping your Stand's ability hidden.

"Have you figured it out yet? My Stand enters the body of others. The moment that Enya died, it entered your brain through your ear! My Stand and I are one and the same. If you hurt me, my Stand will be hurt, and vice versa. If you so much as scratch me, my Stand will react to my pain and suffering in the exact same manner and react by going berserk. It will inflict pain several times greater to the same part of your body!"

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