20: Wheel of Fortune, Part 1

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I apologize for the unannounced hiatus, but Choose is back! The past couple of months have been a rollercoaster for me, with everything through summer college courses, band camp, and even traveling across the county that I live in. That being said, for those who also have summer vacation, how has it gone so far? I hope you're having fun and going to see places you've never seen before!

Also... it's been a year since I started working on this fan fiction! For something I had just started out of boredom, I'm amazed at how far Choose has gone so far. It's gotten more reads than I could even imagine anything that I write could ever get. I thank you guys, the people who have stuck around, very much! :)

Anyways, here's the next chapter. Enjoy!

"Anne!" You run up to her while you smile, although everyone else's facial expressions were either filled with shock or annoyance.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Anne takes off her hat and grins, running towards you and hugging your waist. You laugh and ruffle her hair a bit, until you realize...

"Wait, weren't you supposed to meet your dad back in Singapore? I thought that's why you were following us around for a little while," You say to her as the both of you walk back to the car.

You mentioning her dad reminded you of your own situation with your mother. She was in your father's grasp now, and most likely in DIO's presence.

Her parents are probably worried about her. She better go back home to them before she can't.

"A-about that..." Anne says with a nervous laugh and smiles as she scratches the back of her neck. When she reaches the car, she somehow manages to push herself into the empty seat between Jotaro and Mr. Joestar where you had just been sitting before.

How convenient. It's like she does this on purpose...

"Anne, we can talk about that in a minute... You just stole my seat. Where am I going to sit now?" You question with a sigh. "Anne, just sit on my lap or something—"

"No thank you, I don't think so! I'm just so tired from standing there waiting for someone to pick me up, I think I'll have a seat to myself," Anne says, cutting you off with a visible smirk on her face, buckling her seatbelt.

It was obvious what she was doing, and you knew you weren't going to be able to do anything about it.

"Good grief..." You mumble to yourself, sounding like a certain person in your group. Since Kakyoin is sitting in the front, sitting with him wasn't an option.  You'd only block Polnareff's view of the passenger window. The only other options were Mr. Joestar and Jotaro.

You sigh in annoyance and look at Jotaro not saying anything. He must have understood what that meant, so he just looks away and tilts his hat down slightly.

"Whatever, there wouldn't be room in the trunk for anyone anyways," Jotaro says, shifting in his seat a little bit so you would have room to sit on his lap.

"Thanks, Jojo..." You mumble as you climb into the car. You can feel your face start to heat up out of embarrassment as he lets you sit on his lap. He shuts the car door and you look over at Mr. Joestar and Anne. You notice them both trying their best to suppress their smiles and laughter.

"Oh shut it, you two! Anne, this is your fault," You scold her, failing to withhold a small laugh at the end. Polnareff begins to drive again, with Kakyoin telling him to be more careful since you weren't in a seat with a seatbelt.

Unbeknownst to you, Kakyoin looks back at you and Jotaro through the rearview mirror. He notices a blush on your face, but tries to tell himself that it's only because you're in an embarrassing situation.

Choose | Jotaro x Reader x KakyoinWhere stories live. Discover now