17: Confession

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Things in the story are going to start getting a lot more interesting now! Thank you for sticking around this long.

You're finally able to relax for a while. After the events of today, which took a surprising turn, rest is definitely well deserved. There's only one catch to the situation, however—

Both Jotaro and Kakyoin will be sharing it as well once they return.

Mr. Joestar wanted to take up the least amount of rooms as possible, and since there was an odd amount of people in your group due to Avdol being in the hospital, you had two options of people to room with: Mr. Joestar and Polnareff, or Jotaro and Kakyoin.

But Mr. Joestar never even acknowledged the former, simply because he wanted to room you with his grandson.

You had to room with somebody, because of the threat of your father. That also meant that nobody else was allowed to room by themselves anymore if could be helped. Especially after what happened to Polnareff in Singapore.

But staying in a hotel room with both Jotaro and Kakyoin was going to be difficult.

One, you still haven't talked to Kakyoin about what had happened before he left with Polnareff to fight the other Stand users. It's going to be awkward sharing a room with him, and even potentially sharing a bed with him as well unless you're able to talk about what happened.

Two, you've realized you have some sort of feelings for both Jotaro and Kakyoin. So even if you don't end up sharing a bed with Kakyoin, you'll still share one with Jotaro. Vice versa.

I'll just sleep on the floor, problem solved.

You sit your small bag beside a chair in the room, and go to the landline phone. From the last call you made to her, Mr. Joestar insisted that he paid the phone fee. He said that it wasn't very much anyways, and that you could call whoever you wanted to while we rested.

I haven't talked to Mom in a few days. I'll see how she's doing.

You dial your mom's number into the phone and hold it to your ear as you listen to it ring. After a while, it stopped ringing and went straight to voicemail. It was rather late in the evening, maybe she had already gone to sleep.

I'll call her first thing in the morning. I hope she's doing okay...

Just as you were hanging the phone up, Kakyoin walks in the room. He gives you a small smile and waves at you a little bit as he sits down on one of the beds. Without looking up at you, he begins to speak.

"(Y/n)... I'm sorry. For earlier, what I did before I left with Polnareff. That was uncalled for, I guess it was just in the moment."

"It's okay." You smile, looking away from him as you sit down beside him. "I... I didn't mind. Honest." But if it really was 'just in the moment', did it really have any meaning behind it?

Kakyoin looks at you and smiles shyly as he scratches the back of his head. "Actually, there was something that I wanted to talk to you about. I don't expect you to give me an answer or anything, but this is just something that I have to get off of my chest."

You look up at him and see that his face is extremely red. Your eyes widen as you begin process what he had just hinted towards, and you can feel your own face begin to heat up as well.

"I'm listening, Kakyoin." You give him a sweet, reassuring smile as you encourage him to keep speaking. You only hope that the smile hides your nerves.

Is this really happening? What do I say to him? I don't even think I'm ready for a relationship yet... It wouldn't be fair to him or me if I agreed to begin one. I hope he understands...

He takes a deep breath before beginning to speak. "Well, first off, you can call me by my first name, Noriaki— I-if you would like to, that is! And..." Kakyoin trails off as he gently takes your hands in his.

Oh God, this really is happening.

"(Y/n)... I like you. A lot. A-and I understand if you don't feel the same, b-because we haven't known each other for more than a couple weeks, but—"

"Noriaki. Listen, please," You interrupt him as he begins to ramble, making sure to use his first name. "The situation that we're in... I don't think I'm ready to commit to a relationship when there's danger lurking over us at all times." You see his face fall as he looks down, and you immediately begin to rephrase your sentence.

"But," Kakyoin looks back up at you as your voice becomes quiet, "That doesn't mean that I haven't started to develop feelings for you as well. I just... need time to figure some things out. I'm not sure what I feel. That's all," You look him in the eyes and give him a small smile.

His eyes immediately flood with relief at your words. One of his hands gently trails up to the side of your face, and he smiles tenderly at you. He looks into your eyes lovingly as he softly caresses your cheek with his thumb. "Oh, (Y/n)... I understand exactly how you feel. That's why I'm not making this into a question, I just wanted to let you know how I feel about you. But remember, after all of this is over, I'll be here. If we both still feel the same, once this trip is over... I'd be happy to stay by your side."

I feel like my stomach is becoming a butterfly habitat...

"That... doesn't sound too bad, Noriaki..."

You don't notice when Kakyoin begins to lean in to kiss you until his nose is barely inches apart from your own. Before you can back away, Kakyoin closes in and your lips barely brush each other when you hear a quick nock at the door. You freeze in place, your lips only slightly apart.

"We're going to eat dinner down in the restaurant connected to the hotel lobby, be down there soon," Mr. Joestar says from the other side of the door.

"I'll be out in a second," You say to him loudly. Kakyoin takes the opportunity to meet your lips for a full kiss, taking you by surprise.

What the hell is happening? I wasn't ready for this yet!

"Is Kakyoin in there too? Jotaro's on his way to dinner already, so I was wondering where Kakyoin ran off to," Mr. Joestar questions.

"He's in the restroom, he'll probably be out in a little bit." You back away from Kakyoin, pointing to the bathroom. He nods and quietly makes his way to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. You walk to the hotel room's exit, opening the door to look up at Mr. Joestar. You smile up at him, acting like nothing had just happened, even though you could still feel your heart beating out of your chest.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go eat dinner!" Mr. Joestar laughs as he ruffles your hair a little bit. You laugh in return, the two of you walking down the hall as you run your fingers through your hair to readjust it.

I... I'm not sure how to feel about what just happened.

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