19: Surprise Visit

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The encounter against some of the Stand users from here on out are going to be very different than in the actual anime/manga. Changing the way that they're introduced and how the Stands are dealt with fits this story a lot better when written differently.

"When could you possibly have had the time to already get attacked by a Stand user, old man?" Jotaro asks Mr. Joestar after you had all come to the conclusion that the strange spot on his skin had something to do with an enemy Stand user.

"I have no clue! It was there yesterday, I had first noticed it at the hotel, but it wasn't nearly as huge; I thought it was only a bug bite at first," Mr. Joestar says frantically. "I didn't even think of the possibility of it being a Stand until it attacked you, (Y/n). I just thought that maybe it had gotten infected or something."

"Maybe the user spotted us through the crowd when we first arrived in India? They could have used their Stand to latch onto Mr. Joestar as we were passing by," Kakyoin suggests.

"That, or maybe the user was in the hotel? That's also likely, considering... you know." You were referring to the letter and the locket you had found in the hotel bathroom earlier that morning. Mr. Joestar nods, understanding what you had meant. Kakyoin only looks at you with an eyebrow raised, because he doesn't know about the locket yet.

You speak up, wanting to reassure him. "I found a letter from my dad, along with a strange necklace, in the bathroom at the hotel this morning. He was at the hotel at some point."

Kakyoin's eyes widen in surprise, and Jotaro looks over at you. "He didn't hurt you in your sleep or anything, did he?! He could have taken you at any moment!" Kakyoin frantically asks.

"No, I'm fine," You reassure him, smiling a little.

"Still, it worries me that your father is following us. We never know when he could attack again."

"The same could be said for the other Stand users we encounter. For now, this is what we have to worry about," You say, pointing to the newly discovered Stand on Mr. Joestar's arm.

Suddenly, you heard a strange, high pitched sound. It sort of sounded like a woman's voice. "You silly, annoying girl!" The voice squeaks. "You'll never be safe! You can't attack me. I'm a part of the old man's arm, you know!"

You look back down at what Polnareff had originally thought looked like a face on Mr. Joestar's arm— and he was right. The mouth of the weird face creepily smiles at you as you stare down at it with a look of disgust on your face.

"Ew! It talks, too!" You exclaim, catching Polnareff's attention. He looked over from the seat he was sitting in at the commotion going on in front of him.

"I told you it looked like a face, Monsieur Joestar! I knew something was strange when I first looked at it!" Polnareff shouts.

"The Stand's user has to be around here somewhere," Kakyoin says as he looks around.

"Wait..." You remembered one of the previous Stand user's words, the one who you and Jotaro fought. "That guy said that the next Stand users that were coming after us were the Hanged Man, the Emporer... so that means this Stand is..."

"You're not as dumb as you seem, girl. I'm the Empress, as in the Empress card! You guys stand no chance against me!" The parasite-like Stand laughs at it chomps down on Joseph's arm and starts to grow in size, becoming more human like.

"It's feeding off of his flesh. If it continues, it will just devour his whole body!" Kakyoin says.

"Oh my god!" Mr. Joestar shouts and jumps up as the Empress eats at his flesh. The Stand's growth had given it an upper body with arms, and it pointed its hand at Mr. Joestar's throat.

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