21: Wheel of Fortune, Part 2

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"Oi, (Y/n). Wake up. We're getting out."


You rub your eyes as a deep voice wakes you from a short-lived nap; You didn't even realize you had fallen asleep in the first place. You open your eyes, finding yourself looking up at Jotaro. You're positioned in his lap in a way that you're basically using him as a giant pillow.

That's what, the third time I've woken up awkwardly close to this man? I guess this is what happens when you sleep during an important mission...

You sit up, opening the car door and quickly hopping off of Jotaro's lap. You look around and notice at what seems to be a roadside tea shop. Slightly run down, overrun with what appears to be a handful of tired travelers.

"We're going to stop here for a little while," Mr. Joestar says as he shuts the car door. "We might as well get something to drink while we're here. That should also give plenty of time for that car to get ahead of us."

Anne quickly runs beside you and lightly holds on to your shirt to stay next to you. She must be getting the same vibe from this place that you are...

"This place is creepy as hell," You and Anne look at each other and whisper at the same time.

Your group enters an area full of people sitting at tables. It's eerily quiet... Everyone is sitting at tables with drinks, some smoking cigarettes. Some look up at you and Anne, causing her to squirm a bit closer to you.

You walk up to a counter, seeing a man juicing some sugar cane. "What's that you're making?" You ask him curiously.

"It's sugar cane juice," the man says as he squeezes a bit of lemon juice into the glass and eagerly holds it out to you. "Would you like to try some? Free of charge," he says with a small smile as he squeezes a bit of lemon juice into the exotic drink.

You hesitate for a moment, wondering if you should take it. As you opened your mouth to say something, you feel Anne tug on the hem of your shirt. You look over your shoulder and see her point towards the parking area.

"(Y/n), that's the car that was on the road earlier," she says. Your eyes widen as you look at the car she was referring to, and sure enough, it is the same red car.

"Guys... He's here. The driver of that car from earlier is somewhere around here," You say coldly.

Mr. Joestar turns around and becomes surprised at the sight of that same car as well. "What?!"

Jotaro and Polnareff slowly walk towards the car, inspecting the inside to make sure that the driver isn't hiding anywhere within the vehicle. Jotaro turns to Mr. Joestar with a grim face, shaking his head.

"He's somewhere in here, then," You say as you look up at Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin. Jotaro and Polnareff walk back from inspecting the car, now focusing on all of the people currently sitting around the tables.

"Hey, all of you!" Mr. Joestar shouts, catching the attention of everyone in the tea shop. "Who's the driver of that car over there?! The red one!"

After a moment of no one answering, the man at the counter who was preparing the drinks speaks up. "I-I'm not sure... I never noticed it park, actually. I have no clue..."

"I highly doubt that the driver will just announce himself to us," Kakyoin speaks up for the first time in a while. Although you're not sure what all anyone said while you were asleep, you've noticed that he's been unusually quiet since your group had picked Anne up; He's only spoken when it's been necessary.

I wonder what's wrong with him... I'll have to talk to him about it later, or the next time we get to stop at a motel for the night.

Polnareff rolls his eyes and scoffs. "He's messing with us! The little bastard thinks he's being smart."

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