16: Situation

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"Tch, weak bastard. He ran away!" You shouted to no one in particular.

The others are going to be mad at me if I tell them that I let my father get away... not only that, but since Avdol's dead, they'll probably think that it was my fault too. I should have ran over there before he got shot. Now they're only going to think I'm useless or something...

I couldn't even kill a simple Stand user.

You glance over to where Avdol lay, only to see Jotaro and Mr. Joestar running towards him.

You were somewhat relieved, not having to be alone, but you knew you would end up being sad once Mr. Joestar's realizes that his old friend is no longer alive. You didn't know how Jotaro would feel about the situation, but he would probably be upset about it as well— No matter if he decided to show it or not.

You slowly walk up to them, and Jotaro looks over at you as you do. Mr. Joestar is checking up on Avdol, and surprisingly, he doesn't look as panicked as you thought he would. Maybe he's just keeping his own emotions hidden as well.

You don't want to be the one to have to say this, but somebody's got to. You furrow your brows, looking at the ground as you speak up. "Mr. Joestar... Avdol is—"

"He's alive! I'll call the Speedwagon Foundation!" Mr. Joestar tells you.

"He's alive?!" You look up quickly and smile, hoping that it wasn't too good to be true. "I'll be able to heal him then, there's no need for a hospital!" You were about to run to Avdol's side, until Jotaro gently grabs your wrist, pulling you back.

"Huh— Jojo! What are you doing, I can heal Avdol!" You try to get out of his grasp as Mr. Joestar runs away, most likely going to a nearby store to make a landline call.

"If you try to heal him, you're only going to make yourself pass out again. Let the hospital take care of him, that's their job anyways. It doesn't have to be your job to take care of us every time we get hurt," Jotaro says to you. His words only began to embarrass you, and you looked away before he could notice your face begin to redden.

You remember how your father was able to get away, and it made you feel useless— and you thought that healing Avdol would make up for it. "Thank you for your consideration Jojo, but I want to help." You look back up at him as you try to reason with him. "I want to do something to make myself useful!" You try to pull away from him one last time, until he only pulls you closer to him.

Mr. Joestar comes back after making his call as an ambulance with the 'SPW' logo on the front pulls over near Avdol. Paramedics take Avdol away as Mr. Joestar walks back over to the two of you.

"(Y/n), Jotaro's right. We don't need you wasting your energy, you'll be more of a help to us awake than asleep. Besides, this gives Avdol an opportunity to rest."

You stop struggling in Jotaro's grip at his words, and nod. "I suppose so. As long as Avdol ends up being okay, then it's fine. It's just... I wanted to do something to help..."

"What's with the sour mood all of a sudden? We already told you that Avdol's alive," Jotaro looks down at you with kind of an annoyed expression. His face softens a bit when you look up at him with sort of a sad face before you look away from him again.

"I... accidentally let one of the Stand users get away while I was fighting him..." You look down in embarrassment, knowing you had to tell them about the other Stand user— your own father.

Jotaro lets go of you now that the ambulance has already driven away, and gives you a questioning look. Mr. Joestar looks shocked before beginning to speak. "What happened? Did he hurt you? Who was the one who got away?"

You shook your head. "No I'm fine, but the Stand user I was fighting..." You look off into the distance and sigh, already knowing how they would react. "It was my father. He was finally here."

"What?!" Mr. Joestar looks extremely shocked, but Jotaro only furrows his brows in anger.

"I injured him pretty bad... but his Stand ability is teleporting. I don't understand why a bunch of bastards get to have the some of the most poweful Stand abilities..." You mutter that last part quietly. You sigh before speaking again. "He can teleport anywhere within a ten-meter radius, so he says— although it seems like he has to wait a moment after using his ability to be able to use it again. Before I could finish him off, he got away... but before that, he had also threatened me."

Jotaro's face turned angry as he heard your last few words. "What did he say to you?" He asked angrily.

You were surprised by his sudden anger, but decided not to think much of it. "He said that he would be back for me soon. He's trying to take me to DIO... and I'm guessing any future Stand user might try to take me as well. I'm going to have to be more careful from now on."

Mr. Joestar shakes his head in disbelief. "So your old man's helping DIO by going after us; Well, mainly you, I suppose... (Y/n), you're in even more danger now. Now that you father knows your strength and abilities, he'll know how to fight against you. You— and the rest of us— will need to try to lay low for a while. Speaking of laying low... We need to keep quiet about the fact that Avdol is still alive. The two of you can tell Kakyoin later, but Polnareff would just run his mouth off about it if we told him."

At Mr. Joestar's mention of Kakyoin, you remember how he had said goodbye to you. As fought the urge to put your hand back up to your face where he had placed a light kiss on it, you felt a blush begin to slowly creep up. As Mr. Joestar and Jotaro begin to speak about something, you look at your feet and start to get lost in thought.

Why does Kakyoin make me feel like this? Even if I do truly like him, and if his feelings were to be mutual, this isn't a good time for a relationship...

Plus, what about Jotaro? Is it bad that I feel similar feelings whenever I'm around him as well?

You glance up, only to notice that Jotaro was already looking at you. "(Y/n), if you're worried that DIO's gonna take you, then you're only wasting your own time... I'm—" He clears his throat a little, before speaking again, "we aren't going to let that happen."

Jotaro receives a smug look from Mr. Joestar as he is speaking to you. The old man's probably devising a plan to pick on his grandson later about the choice of words that he had almost let slip.

"I know," You mutter a little bit too quickly as you look away from him before he can notice your face becoming even more red. You also heard that slip up in his voice for a quick second...

'I'm.' He was about to say, 'I'm not gonna let that happen' or something. Damnit, (Y/n)! Why did you have to go and fall for two guys! One is really charming and sweet, the other wonderfully mysterious. There's many things to like about both of them, both unique in their own ways...

...How am I gonna get out of this one?


Thank you guys so much for over 1k reads! Literally my only inspiration to keep writing is the people who actually read this. :)

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