11: Realization

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The night before:

You were still passed out from the fight with Dark Blue Moon, even after all of the others had defeated the Stand user after that— Strength. Their worry for you was starting to increasingly get worse.

"Do you think that (Y/n)'s going to wake up by the time we reach Singapore?" Kakyoin asks no one in particular, but Mr. Joestar is the one that responds.

"(Y/n)'s strong, I know that she will be fine. She was probably just worn out... she deserves rest."

Kakyoin reaches to pull you closer to himself— But Jotaro stops him. Kakyoin gives him a questioning look...

But then Jotaro takes his own jacket off. Kakyoin nods, but Jotaro did something that nobody expected out of him; He pulled you closer to him. Mr. Joestar gives him a mischievous smile and was about to speak—

"Shut it, old man. I'm only doing this so she doesn't get sick or something," Jotaro huffs as he tilts his hat down and wraps his giant jacket around you, holding you up with his arm around you.

Kakyoin realized that seeing you next to Jotaro like that made him feel... alone? Sad? Jealous, even?

But Kakyoin didn't want to feel jealousy towards his friend. He took Jotaro's actions as just a rare showing of his kindness.

And Jotaro, on the other hand, would never admit it... But he liked it when you were this close to him. It made him feel a little bit better knowing that you were safe.

Where am I? It's really comfortable...

You slowly open your eyes, and look down at yourself.

How long have I been asleep?

You're wearing Jotaro's heavy jacket, which is multiple sizes to big for you. It pretty much wraps around you like a blanket.

I wonder how much they had to bribe Jotaro for him to put this on me...

You look at your arm and smile— It's perfectly healed.

You also look around you. The sun is barely coming up, and you can see the tall buildings of the coast of Singapore slowly coming up. Some of the others are asleep still... But wait, you're all on a small lifeboat? What happened to the ship, or that fake captain?

But what freaks you out the most is...

You're pretty much snuggled up right next to a sleeping Jotaro. And his arm is around you.

He must have done that in his sleep... You think to yourself, a small blush suddenly appearing on your face.

You had to stop yourself from jumping up whenever you noticed, because you didn't want to wake him up. You didn't know what happened with Dark Blue Moon after you passed out, but whatever it was, he should rest.

Some of the others were awake though, as you noticed that Kakyoin was spacing out, him not realizing that you were awake. You look up at him, scooting away from Jotaro. "Kakyoin, how long was I asleep?"

"Oh, you're awake!" Kakyoin is surprised that you're up, and instantly hides is sad face and smiles. "You were asleep all night, plus a few hours. We fought another Stand user... You aren't going to believe this, but the Stand user was an orangutan," Kakyoin says.

You shake your head. "DIO is hiring monkeys now? God... And I slept through all of it?"

Kakyoin laughs slightly and nods.

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