4: Holly's Stand

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"Oh my god... My daughter, she has a Stand!" Mr. Joestar cried out, running towards his daughter. He picked her up, and put his hand on her forehead. "And she's burning up!"

"We should lay her down, and get a cold towel on her head. If the symptoms she's having are anything like a cold, she'll need a cold wash cloth and somewhere to lay down." You say.

Jotaro and Kakyoin nod, as they go to the living room to set up a futon for Holly to lay on.

"I didn't know it was possible for a Stand to do this to it's own user..." You mumble.

"It is possible, but very rare," Avdol explained. "If the user doesn't have a strong fighting spirit..."

You knew Holly would have never hurt a fly. "Oh no... I've only known her, for what, thirty minutes? But, I can tell she's just so gentle..." You say, sadly. "Will she be alright?" You ask them.

There was silence for a moment.

"Right now it's only her back, but if it spreads throughout her whole body..." Mr. Joestar says, looking down at his daughter, who's head was resting in his lap as he sat beside her.

You knew what this meant. If this wasn't treated as soon as possible... there's a high chance the Stand that she's developing could be the very thing that kills her. "And there's nothing we can do about it..."

"There's one thing, actually. If she has a Stand, could this mean...?" Avdol begins, looking down at Mr. Joestar.

He simply nodded. "DIO." He said.

Your eyes widened at that name. You're sure you've heard it from somewhere.

They took notice to your surprise. "(Y/n), do you know who we're talking about?" Avdol asks you.

"DIO..." you say, thinking. "I've heard the name somewhere... maybe..."

But then it clicked. "That's the name of the man my father works for." You almost whisper, but they still heard you. "He's a Stand user as well." That's why your father had left, for work is what he claimed. But from what little information you have regarding his 'work situation', that name was included in it.

"Your father?!" Mr. Joestar says. "Does he live with you?"

"No... my parents are separated. I live with my mother— she doesn't have a Stand though, although she has a little knowledge of them. She thinks of them as spirits." You say, thinking they might ask about that.

"(Y/n), do you know where your father went?" Avdol asks you, with a serious tone.

"I'm not sure if I remember.... but, I've overheard him speaking with people, talking about that DIO man and whatnot..." You pause for a moment, as you try to remember if he said any location. Then, Kakyoin peeks his head through the kitchen doorway.

"You can lay Ms. Kujo down in here now, Mr. Joestar." Kakyoin said.

"I'll stay and get her a cold towel." You said, reaching for a towel and soaking it in cold water.

Mr. Joestar held Holly in his arms as he and Avdol walked from the kitchen to where the futon was laid out. What you didn't notice is that Kakyoin stayed in the kitchen, and he walked over to you.

"Where did my father go...?" You thought out loud, now that you thought about it. You were sure that he had to have said something about a location at least once or twice...

"Your father? I thought you said you didn't like him." You heard Kakyoin's soft voice as he walked up beside you, scaring you a little.

"Ah! Oh, it's you. You scared me!" You say, playfully hitting him with the damp towel.

"Sorry." He looked to the side, and scratched the back of his neck. "I don't mean to pry, but what about your father?" He asked, looking back at you.

You explain to him about how he works for DIO, and how Avdol and Mr. Joestar wanted to know if you knew where your father had gone off to.

"Oh, that's terrible. It's a good thing he didn't know about your Stand, or else he might have taken you to work with him..." He said, gently wiping a little bit of water off of your cheek from when you flung the wet towel at him. His touch sent a shiver down your spine and caused your face to heat up. You look away, the red on your face making him smile a tiny bit.

"Who knows what could have happened to you there, (Y/n)."

After a few moments of silence, the red on your face subsides and Kakyoin speaks up again. "Well, let's take this to Ms. Kujo," he says, referring to the towel. You nod, and you both start to walk down the hall.

"So, Ms. Kujo has a stand..." Kakyoin processes this. The others sit in silence, as you sit beside where Holly lays and take care of her. All of a sudden, she starts to open her eyes.

"Holly! Are you feeling okay?" Mr. Joestar said to her, worry filling his eyes.

"Oh, I feel better now than I did before. All I remember was going into the kitchen to prepare tea, but now I'm here. I guess it's just a bad fever!"

Something tells you that she's just trying not to let you all worry.

"Since you're not feeling very good, we have to take care of you!" Mr. Joestar says.

"First, we must brush your teeth," He says, squeezing some toothpaste on a toothbrush. "Say ah!"

"Ah," Holly opens her mouth and lets her father brush her own teeth.

"We've got to wash your face-" He gently rubs a towel on her face, as you can hear her giggle from behind it.

"And your hair is a mess to. I'll brush that as well!" He gently brushes Holly's hair, as she sits there calmly.

Mr. Joestar began to do various things for her, like clipping her nails, giving her a snack, and cleaning her legs.

Since Holly thought she was feeling better, she decided to make a joke...

"Papa, help me change my undies too!" She said, trying to control her giggling.

"What?!" Mr. Joestar says, his face creeping red with embarrassment.

At this point, Holly couldn't control her laughter, and you began laughing too. "Just kidding! It was a joke! Now Jotaro, what would you and your friends all like for dinner~?" She tries to ask, but is cut off by Jotaro.

"No!" He practically yelled, causing everyone to turn their attention towards him. "...What I mean is, you need rest. Just, shut up and get better already, would you?" He said, tipping his hat down and looking away. "Good grief."

It was... nice, in it's own little way. He was showing concern towards someone—not in the most gentle approach, prehaps— but maybe, just maybe, Holly was right about him caring.

"Oh, I suppose you're right." Holly said, laying back down again. "You're all so nice when I'm sick. Maybe it can be nice, having a cold every once in a while." She said, as she lost consciousness again.

You sighed. It pained you to see the sweet woman so sick, yet she was hiding all of her pain from everyone.

"The way she's acting... she's aware of her Stand, but she just doesn't want to worry us. She's been hiding it from us." Mr. Joestar said sadly.

"Is there anything we can do to stop this? To stop this... this curse?" You ask desperately.

Avdol sighed, and looked over at Mr. Joestar. "I'm afraid the only way to stop this curse..."

Mr. Joestar nodded. "Is to find and kill DIO ourselves."

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