71| Pink

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"Look Daddy, it's pink!" 

Kiem gasps as he sucks on his lollypop, alert and ready to go after just waking up from his surgery to put the bone back in place. My son knocks on his hard cast while curled up on my lap as I lay in the uncomfortable clinic exam table. Hamish checks over his vitals before sitting by our side. 

"There's a lot of energy in this one huh?" He asks and energy would be one way to describe what Kiem has. 

"Yeah, it's a little much," I sigh as I kiss the top of my fluffy red-headed son and he nestles himself against my chest.

"Do you think Papa is going to buy me new robot parts after this?" He asks and Hamish laughs.

"Don't you think you have enough robots running around the house?" I ask him and he quickly shakes his head.

"No Daddy, one can never have too many robots! And I need new plastic to print out the feet of my next creation. I ran out of white when I made Anubis," He explains and I gently squeeze his hand, making sure his fingers still curl. 

Oh Anubis, yes the small house bot he created to help the children in all their devious activities. He's basically an AI on treads who follows them around and answers questions they ask through google.

Isis is the second one he programmed this year who comes around whenever they plan on doing something dangerous. With the ability to alert all four of us if one of the children is severely injured or in trouble. 

His first bot Re was retired and scrapped for parts to create Anubis. 

Which the four of us were thankful for after he kept going missing and reappearing in the strangest places. I'll never forget Tora's shriek when we woke up and he found Re on his pillow watching him with two little googly eyes. Casper found him in a cabinet once, Micah spotted him in the bathroom sink, and I fished him out of the pond on one occasion. Poor thing had no visual sensors so he was blindly making his way around the house until Kiem put him out of his misery and we had a miniature funeral for him at our lake house. 

"Oh yeah? What's the next one going to be?" I ask him to mentally prepare for another loyal follower of Kiem and he scratches the hard plaster of his light baby pink cast. 

"It's a secret Daddy, you can't know until the reveal," Kiem mentions and I gently pick up his casted arm and take a look at it.

"Did you know pink is your Papa's favorite color?" I ask him and pulls his arm close. 

"I know, that's why it's my favorite color too," Kiem explains and give him a tight squeeze. I could hear his exhaustion in his restless voice and looking at my watch it's about an hour past his bedtime. 

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