Welcome, Authors Note & TW

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Hey Beautiful People! ❤️
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for reading and checking out this book! I really appreciate it with all my heart and love you all for doing so! 😊

Let's get started on the more important things at hand.

H E L P  A N D  S U P P O R T

This book is very important to me in so may different ways. Some of the things she want through, I want through. I can tell you from experience, it's hard to do it on your own. But, if you would want someone to talk to or need help, text me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Remember, your not alone in this.🙂

Here are some help lines that may help you and need someone to talk to..

(416-580-0771)- Ontario, Canada
(0800-068-4141)- UK, Suicidal Feelings
(+1-410-487-9477)-USA, Any Feelings You May Have.
(902-500-002)- Spain, This Is Only In Spanish
(0800-235-235)- France, For All Help
(199-284-284)- Italy, For All Help

If your Country is not on here, there is a website that has most of the county's on there.
Here is the website-https://www.mhe-sme.org/library/youth-helplines/?location=it
Hope this will help😌


So, I don't know if any of you know this but I am from Canada and I know that some things like words and phrases may be different then you are used to. But, I'm human and all of us make mistakes. Anyways as I was saying, some words in this book may look odd and not look right but I will try my best to fix them and if you guys can let me now in the comments, that would be so greatly appreciated.


Okay this is one of the most important things to talk about. Plz do NOT steal anything from this book. I worked really hard on this book and I would hate if someone took my ideas from me. That would hurt a lot. All the things that I write about came from my life and my imagination. With that being said, plz, plz, PLZ come up with your own ideas and don't steal mine because I will have no problem reporting you and make your wattpad life a living nightmare! (I'm kidding about the last part...not) But anyways, just don't do it.😁


So, I do have one other book....Let's not talk about it. But, if you would like to read it, here;
~Before you~


This book has a lot of disclaimers. So, let's get started..
• Language
• Suicidal Thoughts
• Mental Illness Disorders
•Body Imagine
• Sexual Content
• Mentions Of Sexual Assault
• Physical Assault
• Drugs
• Alcohol Abuse
• Fighting

If any of these bother or may trigger something, do not read further on. This is just to let you know what will happen in this book.

A B O U T  T H E  B O OK

Alright! So this book in my eyes is different. It takes more of a darker turn then I'm usually comfortable with. But, this story has a part of my life in it and what I want through when I felt like I had no one to talk to. So, this book meant be sad and depressing at most times, but it's a part of her journey and how I wrote her to be. I had an emotional time writing chapters for this book and in some weird way, made have a little peace with myself. Anyways, this book is not one of those happy and joyful books. It deals with real life problems and how life is not always the best. But, I love this book with all of my human life. So, with that being said, I hope this changes your POV on life and that you learn something. 😋❤️

A U T H O R S  N O T E

Now that we have all the important things out of the way, we can talk about something's now.
So, this is my second book that I have written and I like this one way more then the first one. WAY better...
Most of you that hopefully and most likely will be reading this book are people from my Tik Tok. So thank you so much for reading this book and for all the positive comments I got in my Tik Tok video about it!❤️
My Tik Tok username will be at the bottom of the page for anyone who would like to follow.

~Tik Tok; bookqueen00~

With all of this being said....

Let the story begin..

Let the story begin

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