Alex White, A 23-year-old running from her past all the time. Moving from city to city, town to town even from different states to get away from her past life. This all happened 6 years ago. When her older brother want missing. Her life took a b...
"What the hell happened to me?" I ask. My voices crystal clear with scum.
I get up from my position on the floor, looking at Ethan with a heated glare.
He has no idea what the hell I want through and to question me about it, is so fucked up.
But how the fuck would he know? You never told him about any of the shit you want through and what happened with Jack. With your parents?
"Yeah, what the hell happened?" he asked.
Oh, here we go.
"You want to know so badly don't you? Huh? Well, guess what? I don't need to tell you shit." I deadpan. Asking me about what happened to me is none of his business. At. All.
"Your right. I don't need to know shit. I really don't have to care. I really don't have to get along with my new neighbor at all. But. . .I want to." A small smile tugs at the ends of his lips causing me to harden my glare even more.
"Well then. . .Soon you won't be seeing my face for long." I whisper more to myself then to him.
I hope he didn't hear that. . .
"Wait. . .What?" He questions. Walking closer to me with concern written all over his face.
"Stop. Just stop. . .I don't need your pity nor your big old speech about how much I matter and all that bullshit." I turn away from him and lean down to grip the rest of my things.
I soon feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Ethan looking at me. Like he's searching for something. A feeling maybe?
I slap his hand off my shoulder and start to walk away. Like I always do with my problems. . .
"Alex, wait!" I hear him yell from behind me. I keep walking.
"Alex. . ."
"What!" I whip my body around and glare.
"Why are you walking away?" he asks.
I ask myself the same question. . .
"I'm not walking away. I'm disengaging." Lie.
"Same fucking thing. Why are you walking away? You can tell me." he says reaching out to me.
Why would he care about you? All he feels is guilty for you. He pities you Alex. Nothing more.
"Again. I don't need your pity. I'm fine and it's none of your concern what happens in my life. You don't know me."
That's when I turned my back, and walked away.
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Hello Readers!
What a drama filled chapter! I like it!
How do you like this chapter? What do you think will happen next?
I guess we'll have to wait and see.... (evil laugh)
Quote Of The Day; 'It's you for you. You will be the only one to tell you that'
Thanks for reading! See you guys soon!
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