Alex White, A 23-year-old running from her past all the time. Moving from city to city, town to town even from different states to get away from her past life. This all happened 6 years ago. When her older brother want missing. Her life took a b...
After chasing my very annoying best friend around the whole bar plus, a whole block and getting nowhere near him, I got my cash and want back to my apartment. Sam told me that he would call me tomorrow morning about getting me into another bar or lounge. I agreed, and now were here.
As I make my way up the stairs to the front entrances of my building, I pull out my phone to check the time. 10:32p.m
It's still early.
Making my way to the elevator, I get in and press the button to my floor. The doors close fairly quickly and to my surprise, open very quick as well. Wow elevator. I thought we were getting along.
Looking down at my phone again well walking, (aka. Not a good idea) I bump into something or someone hard. I stumble back a bit and regain my balance.
"Holy shit! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and I got really distracted by my phone which I should really pay more attention to where I'm walking more than my phone but-"
"It's fine." A very hot, sexy, voice interrupts me. I look up to see who it is and immediately, I feel rage.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I say as I stare at the person in front of me. One of my assholes neighbor hot friends.
I start to walk pass him in a pit of rage. Out of all the people in the world I could have bumped into, it had to be my fucking asshole of a neighbor's friend! This is just peachy.
I feel a hand wrap around my wrist, pulling me back and not letting me walk any further. I really wish I had my handphones right now.
"What the hell do you want asshat?" I say at the pit of my rage. only leaving a grin to spread across he's really hot but shitty face.
"Do you have to cues in every sentence you speak?" He chuckles and let's go of my wrist.
"Yes, I do." I say and turn away and start to walk to my door. What a jack ass.
Behind me, I hear him laugh and then hear footsteps in the other direction.
Once I get to my door, I unlock it and walk inside.
Dropping my keys at the table and locking the door, I make my way to the kitchen.
I open the cabinet and grab a glass, preferably to get some water and go write in my diary.
I take my heels off and take my water with me to my bedroom.
Opening the door, I am greeted with a nice and boring white room. Great. Way to make it more depressing that it actually is.
Well, it's not like I can really do anything. I'll be moving anyways. Always moving. . .
I sit my glass of water down on the nightstand and go and grab my diary.
Once I find a pen and get comfortable on the bed, I start writing.
Dear me,
It's been hard to think more clearly lately. I keep getting these flashbacks from my past. Not only are they vivid, but there so real. Like, feel real. There mostly of me and my brother. Him saying that I'm the best singer and that one day, I will get my dreams to come true. Not only that, but, he's promises. The one's we never got to.
God, I miss him.
The police have nothing on him or where he disappeared to. He just, vanished. Out of my life and mum's and dad's. And now we are a broking family. I am still hoping that one day, he will come back, or someone will find him. after all, it has been 6 whole years.
Anyways, here some good parts. I moved out of Chicago and to the big city New York! Obviously, with my best and only friend Sam. It's only been a day here and I already love it. I think I meant stay a well. . .
But there's also my asshole neighbor. He's not too bad. Well, it's only been a day but if he's a pian in my fucking ass once, he is dead. But ether then that, he's okay. And hot.
Sam told me that he's going home to see he's fam for 2 weeks. Yes, I'll be alone but, what's the worst that could happen, right?
However, on the singing part of things, it's not going so hot. None of the words or lyrics I write feel right. It just feels numb. Like nothing. I don't know what it is but, it's not right. One day it'll spark to me. One day. . .
And for the last and final thing, sleep.
The meds that they gave me help. But the nightmares still come. The attacks still come. And I can't even take my pills tonight because I drank. Thanks to Sam. So, tonight I meant not go to sleep. Well, I usually don't sleep. It helps. But, I am really tried. Not only because I don't sleep, but of everything.
- Alex
I place my dairy next to my water on the bedside table and lay on the bed. Hoping I can get at least an hour of sleep.
Hoping for no nightmares.
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I like this chapter. What about you?
So next week I'm getting my computer cleaned so idk if I'll be able to post so.... We will see
Anyways, Quote Of The Day: 'Believe in what you want to believe in.'
See you guys next week!😊
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