Deja Vu

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Ever since Michael hit me things have been great. I know he didn't mean anything by it and he would never do that again. After all it was my fault. I love him and he loves me and that's what matters. I haven't seen John ever since the hospital either. It's been a few weeks and I actually miss him.

I was out for a run in our quiet little neighborhood when I suddenly felt a presence beside me and jumped back slightly only to see it was John.

"John, you scared me!" I laughed stopping to catch my breath and talk to him. I held my chest as the adrenaline of him scaring me slowly began to ease.

"Sorry.. I just saw you and knew I had to come see how you were doing." He said out of breath as well. He continued staring at my face where it had been bruised, making me more than a little nervous. There was still a little color to it but it looked a lot better.

"I'm fine! You know, you just never know when a dog might jump out in front of your car." I rambled looking every where but his eyes. I was always a horrible liar.. even he knew that much.

John stepped closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek, examining at my cheek. "How did you even manage to hit yourself there Katy?"

I gulped and turned my head slightly so that he wasn't staring at it anymore and covered it up with my hand. "um... it must've just hit the dash I don't know." I said awkwardly and I knew he knew something was up.

He once again stepped closer to me and made me look up at him. He took a loose strand of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail and tucked it behind my ear.

"Katy.. is there-"

"Look John I really need to go." I interrupted before he could speak. I knew what he was going to ask me and I didn't feel like lying to him anymore. I needed to get rid of him again no matter how much it hurt. I couldn't risk him finding out. "Like I said we shouldn't see each other.."

I backed away rubbing up and down my arms. This wasn't fair to him and I was scared. But he wouldn't give up that easily and I should've known.

"Katy, please don't, I'm sorry it won't happen again. I still want to see you, I'll just have to push my feelings off to the side." He sighed and honestly it took me by surprise. I guess I'm just not used to people being so straight forward with me about their feelings. He held his hand out to grab mine but thought twice about it and dropped it.

I opened my mouth again to speak when I heard michael calling for me. How did he even find me?

"I'm sorry I need to go..." I whispered and quickly turned away from him before he could change my mind. We needed to keep our distance and I wasn't about to blow my relationship again because of him. I ran up to Michael without looking back as he picked me up in his arms.

"Hi, sweetie." he whispered before placing a quick kiss on my lips. "I thought I'd find you here, wanna get some lunch?" he asked, running his hands up and down my back.

"okay." I smiled and kissed him again. I grabbed his hand to walk towards his car when he turned and saw John sitting on the bench texting. Fuck. He stopped, titling his head as he watched John who was completely oblivious.

"Is it just me or is that guy following you around a lot." He smirked. I nervously laughed as I tried to pull him away from the situation. My palms were sweating and I just wanted to leave before things got out of hand.

"Wait a minute.. that's the guy you were with that night isn't it?" Michael asked backing me into the car. "Every time I find you, you're with him."

"What? No, it wasn't him..." I spat trying to push my way past him when he slammed me back against the car.

"It was wasn't it! Don't lie to me!" He screamed, continuing to pin me against the car. I turned my head to the side and closed my eyes as his face was now centimeters from mine screaming. It's happening again, I know it is.

"I knew it... you don't even want me." He chuckled, temporarily turning away from me with his hands on his hips. I stepped towards him to try and at least comfort him.

"No, I do Michael-" I tried to explain when all of a sudden my whole face was stinging like no other. He had hit me again. My vision was blurred as the force of his punch sent me to the ground.

"Don't lie to me!" he screamed as I stumbled to the pavement. He quickly got in his car and drove off leaving me on the sidewalk stunned. I didn't even have time to register what had happened.

That's when I saw John run over to me and say something to me but I couldn't understand him, all I heard was mumbling. I closed my eyes and went limp as I felt him wrap his arms around me and pick me up. I was unaware of everything around me. I was in shock. The person I loved had broke his promise and just abused me. Again.


I seriously don't see what Katy sees in that guy. I mean yeah he's attractive I guess but I just don't trust him. I don't trust him around katy and I'm afraid he's going to hurt her and I would never live with myself. She sprinted over to him as he picked her up and kissed her. That should be me.. I would do anything to kiss her again. I would treat her like the princess she is and tell her how beautiful she was each and every waking moment. Because wow she's beautiful. I hope michael realizes how lucky he is to wake up beside her..

It hurts when she's with him it really does. I honestly think I love her but I'm not going to tell her that.. ever. I sat down on the bench to collect myself and grabbed my phone to distract me. The last thing I needed was to watch them as she tore at my heart even more.

Suddenly I heard katy whimper as he pushed her against the car. What the hell? I watched as he screamed in her face and I wanted to go help her but what if she got mad?  He finally backed away and I let out a sigh of relief. But that didn't last long before he quickly turned around and punched her sending her to the ground. He sped off as I raced over to her.

"Katy... Katy are you alright? I'm here. I've got you." I said picking her up as she went limp in my arms. I don't think she quite knew what was going on yet.

I carried her over to the grass and sat her down as she finally opened her eyes again. I wiped the blood pouring out of her nose and I think that's the first time she realized she was bleeding.

"John, don't leave me. He'll come back. " She bawled as she scrunched my shirt up in her hands and buried her face into my neck.

"I'm not going anywhere. He won't hurt you again, I won't let him." I whispered in her ear holding onto her tight. She was shaking like a leaf and I wanted nothing more than to beat the living daylights out of him.

"Katy... this isn't the first time he's hit you is it.." I asked. She pulled away to look at me and that's when I knew.

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