Trust Me

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sorry if there's mistakes in this, I didn't look over it but here you guys go :)


I'm pissed. Maybe it's because my so called boyfriend of about 5 minutes is clinging to his ex girlfriend or maybe it's because he just fucking told me he loved me and then cast me off like I and was nothing important. It didn't help that stacey was an attractive girl.

"Oh John, it's been so long!" I mimicked in a high pitched voice that sounded nothing like her honestly but it sure made me feel better making fun of her. "Like what? 4 years! Let me climb all over you and flaunt myself."

"How about you two go get a room?" I say talking to myself unamused by what could possibly be happening right now. I was still walking in the sand since I was in no hurry to actually get anywhere and part of me was hoping he'd come running up to me before it was too late.

Maybe I'm being over dramatic. Maybe they really are just still friends catching up but obviously I'm having trouble loving myself and accepting that others could love me. And he knows that.

"Fuck!" I scream kicking the sand and plopping down onto it. Katy, it's alright. You're being over dramatic, I kept telling myself. I pulled my knees up to my chin and sat there staring out into the ocean. I still had his jacket on and it smelled just like him. It was warm and comforting and it relaxed me for just a moment.

I couldn't faintly hear loud giggling from a far and almost puked knowing exactly who it was coming from. I have a reason to be mad right?

Just then I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out to see John had actually texted me. Hope started to flair inside as I clicked read and suddenly found myself frowning again.

"I'll come over later okay babe, but it might be a little late. I love you."

He's going to be a little late? What the hell is he going to be doing for so long? He can't just leave me alone right now.. He promised he wouldn't. I don't know why I did it but I decided to text back.

"I really don't want to be alone that long right now, can't you come now?" I sent resting my phone back in my lap and it immediately buzzed again.

"Have Shannon come over, I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

Did he really. "Way to blow me off jackass." I whispered to myself. I felt tears stinging my eyes but I wasn't going to let this take over.

"Oh.. okay.." I sent back and slid my phone back into my back pocket as I stood up. I walked back to civilization and hailed a cab back to my apartment. Just how I thought this night would end.

I made it home and immediately flopped down onto my bed. Still no texts or phone calls. It's like he saw her and suddenly didn't care.

I walked outside onto my balcony to get some fresh air and sat on the swing i had out there. It was a beautiful view overlooking the city. It made me feel more relaxed and like everything was going to be okay. It was nearly midnight by this point and as tired as I was I really didn't want to fall asleep alone in my house. Thanks to michael I was constantly scared. Scared of him breaking in again. Scared of just being alone basically.

1 A.m rolled around and it seemed like it had come and gone just like that. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until John got here but I was starting to think he wasn't coming. I went back inside and changed into my gray tank top and yellow booty shorts as I felt a pair of hands wrap themselves around me from behind and I screamed jerking away assuming it was michael.

"Hey, it's just me.. I'm sorry I wasn't thinking." He apologized seeing my heavy breathing and scared facial expression. I thought once I saw his face that I would jump into his arms and kiss him and beg him not to let me go but now I knew that instead I was actually mad.. well actually more just upset.

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