Life is Tricky

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I was drifting in and out of consciousness as I lied on the couch in Shannon's living room. Yep, that's right I'm staying at Shannon's. Not because I want to, but because John hadn't tried to contact me in a week. A whole week. I know I said and did some things but so did he and I needed him now more than ever. I guess we just kind of needed a break from each other because of all the stress.

It was my choice to come here but I thought he would come get me. Or at least beg me to come back or at least call me and I know that sounds stupid and selfish but I just wanted to know he cared, but I guess I made him too angry. I pushed him too far.

"Hey, Kate how are you feeling?" Shannon asked walking towards me with a glass of water and sitting beside me on the couch. Ever since she yelled at me in the hospital we've been in good terms. I actually needed to hear that from her.

"It's been a week Shan." I whispered staring into the glass, tapping my fingers against it. "He hasn't even tried to find out where I am."

"He knows." She replied resting her hand on my legs that were crossed in front of me. "He called me the night you got out.. he wanted to make sure you were okay. He said he just thought a break would do you guys some good." I smiled at that knowing he at least cared enough to ask about me.

"I'm scared." I whispered back biting my lip. I could feel tears trying to escape but I did my best to keep my composure this time. Shannon had seen me cry enough this week. "I'm scared because what if we don't work this out? We go through so much shit, what if.. what if we're just not meant to be together."

"Katy. Stop. Sure you guys have been through some more shit than others but that just makes you stronger, right? If you can get through all these things you're unstoppable. I see how you two look at each other. There's no denying you'll always find your way back to each other no matter what. Because for some reason you two idiots can't stand to be apart." She laughs punching my shoulder, finally getting a genuine smile out of me.

"Wow, that was deep of you Shan." I say trying not to stifle a laugh and ruin the moment.

"One can learn a lot from watching too much Oprah." She winks shrugging her shoulders as she gets up from the couch.

She's right though. We can get through anything. I just need to apologize. I need to take that first step and call him. I unlocked my phone and quickly smiled at the picture I had as my background of us before calling him.

I sat up straight and subconsciously bit my nails as I waited for him to answer. I didn't even know if he wanted to talk to me. It rang and rang and rang but nothing. It finally went to his voicemail and I listened to his voice that I've missed so much. I closed my eyes listening to his soft words before hearing the loud beep that indicated it was my turn to talk. I decided to leave a voicemail instead of a long text.

"Hey, um.... it's me. Listen, I'm sorry. I was out of line and I shouldn't have said the things I said and I just... miss you. I need to see you, John. I really want to fix whatever this is. I guess you're busy so.. when you get this call me back okay? Please." I begged before sighing and ending the call. Hopefully that was enough to get him to talk to me.

"No luck?" Shannon asked walking back into the room and I just shook my head no bringing my knees up to my chest.

"He'll call back. Trust me." She reassured me walking over and messing up my already messed up hair.

I sat there, slouched on the couch. For hours just staring at my phone waiting for him to call me. For some reason I felt like if I kept looking at it, it would ring. I felt like the longer we were apart the more he was slipping away from me. The thought of that made me sick, we had been acting so stupid.

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