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so i had a chapter before this one but i accidentally deleted it bc i thought it was a draft... but that's okay bc this one still makes perfect sense without it! all it talked about was their time apart. also thank you for almost 6K reads that's crazy


It's officially been three weeks since I've heard from katy. Three weeks since I've heard her sweet voice. Three weeks since I've seen her beautiful smile, since I've heard that angelic laugh, since I've seen that cute little nose crinkle she does when she laughs, three weeks since I've actually been happy.

I'm on my flight back now, this is where I get a week off and when I was supposed to spend time with katy. But instead of being met by her I'll just be leaving here alone. I do plan on stopping by and seeing her... if she'll let me. I'm going to call her when I land and see how she is, or if she'll even pick up.

I haven't tried to contact her after she blatantly ignored me.. but I've been miserable ever since, and everyone noticed. I couldn't focus, eat, sleep, or concentrate on anything all because I was thinking about her.. or worrying.

What if something happened and no one informed me? God, I miss her. I just don't know if I can't stand being rejected again. But it's not like she's already over me right? It takes a lot for her to trust people so she couldn't have moved on yet.

I finally landed and went over and sat down slowly dialing her number, scared if she would answer or not. I pressed call and held the phone up to my ear rubbing my temple with my other hand.

"please answer, katy please." I whispered impatiently tapping my foot on the ground when suddenly I heard the most beautiful sound in the world; her voice.

"hello?" she asked in her soft beautiful voice but she also sounded a little tired. I quickly looked down at my watch realizing it was almost midnight and knew I had waken her.

"Hello? is anyone there?" I heard again and realized I had yet to speak.

"hey katy.." I said with a shaky voice holding my breath for a response. Please don't let her hang up on me.

"John? H-hi.." she replied now sounding more awake.

"Can we talk?" I asked now standing up and pacing in circles. This shouldn't be like this.. I shouldn't feel nervous talking to her.

"Sure, what's on your mind?" She agreed surprising me.

"Can, um can we FaceTime? I want to see you.." I asked now sitting down again praying she would agree.. I needed to see her.

There was a short pause that sounded like she was switching the phone from one ear to another. "sure.. " she sighed and I smiled while switching my phone to FaceTime waiting for her to do the same.

and when she did I was at a loss for words. She was so beautiful. Her hair was slightly messy and she had this big shirt on.. my shirt. The only light in the room was her bed side lamp and it shined the perfect lighting on her.

"Hi baby.." I whispered and she sat her phone down on the computer that was propped up so that I could see her better without her holding her phone.

"Hi." she replied picking at her chipped nail polish and that's when I saw a tear fall onto the mattress.

"How have you been?" I asked but she wouldn't look at me.

She looked up at the ceiling and took a big breath finally making contact with me. "miserable." she whined. "I miss you but.. this is what's right."

"What if it's not?" I questioned her and she just shook her head no.

"don't." she whispered

"Katy, I love-"

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