Chapter 6

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I carried Katy to my house shortly after Michael had left. She was shaking under my touch and I knew she was in shock. I didn't know what else to do so I just picked her up and took her home. I knew she shouldn't be by herself right now.

She's been asleep on my couch for about an hour now and I sat on the end by her feet and watched her. I never left her side. I looked up when I felt her move slightly and let out a moan.

"Hey.." I said in a hushed tone kneeling down by her face, moving the hair out of it.

Her eyes went from warm to scared within seconds as she recalled what had happened. She quickly sat up and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and was horrified with what she saw.

"John... he.. I look horrible!" she whined lightly touching the bruises on her face.

"You look fine, Kate.. let's not worry about that right now."

She slowly let her hands fall to the counter where she tapped her fingers against the marble and let out a sigh.

"I can't believe he hit me." She said almost so quietly, like she didn't intend for me to hear it.

"You need to get away from him katy.. You need to make sure he knows not to ever even look at you again." I said through gritted teeth remembering how he had beat her and left her on the side of the road.

"But you don't understand, John! This is all my fault! I'm the one that should be apologizing. I was with you and that makes him jealous."

"What?" I asked shocked. "You actually think this is your fault?"

"It is.." she mumbled shrugging her shoulders.

"Katy." I ran up to her and lifted her chin to look at me. "This is NOT your fault. He hit you! No one should EVER touch you, no matter what."

"But he didn't mean it! He loves me!" She fought back pushing away from me and turning around so all I could see was her back. I knew she was crying though as her shoulders slightly shook.

"If he loved you, he wouldn't hit you. Twice now." I said trying to reason with her. "I would never dream of doing that to you katy."

"Well it doesn't matter John, we're not together are we??" she shouted taking me by surprise.
she turned around and I could see the tears slowly falling from her eyes.

It killed me, all I wanted was to make her feel safe. I walked up to her and tried to wrap my arms around her but she just made an incoherent scream and pushed me away.

"Don't." she shook her head repetitively.

"I know you're scared.. but none of this is your fault okay? You need to end things with him."

I heard her sigh and she finally looked up at me. Her blue eyes now dull and full of tears.

"Okay.. I'll go call him. But first can we go eat?" She giggled and my heart finally felt happy again.

"Yes." I smiled and she walked into my arms and I kissed the side of her head. "Let's go."


John had just taken me out to eat and I have to admit it was nice. He made me feel safe and I always had a smile on my face when I was with him but deep down I still missed Michael.. We were walking back to the car when John suddenly grabbed me by the waist and placed me behind him.

"What are you-"

"Just stay behind me." John interrupted and that's when I saw michael approaching us.

"Katy! I'm so glad you're okay, I was looking everywhere for you! Let's go home baby." He said like nothing had ever happened. Like we were still just this happy go lucky couple.

"She's not going anywhere with you man." John said sternly turning back to look at me. I grabbed a hold of his shirt and buried my face in his back afraid of the outcome. I just wanted to leave.

"Who said you could talk for her? She's my girlfriend so let her go!" Michael retaliated and I heard footsteps come toward us as John was ripped out of my grip as he shoved Michael back a few steps.

"Don't ever come near her again." He warned him pointing an unsteady finger at him.

"Katy let's go!" Michael yelled waving me over but I couldn't move. I didn't want to move. I looked over at John and he caught my drift and walked back to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Tell him." He whispered in my ear and I knew I needed to end things. Once and for all.

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat and took an unsteady breath. I was scared of his reaction to be completely honest.

"Michael.. we're done. I don't want to see you anymore." I said in a small voice holding onto John even tighter, mainly to steady myself.

"Are you serious? This is bullshit Katy! You know I love you! It was a mistake!"

"Well you made that mistake one too many times." I cried turning away from him so he wouldn't see my tears. I placed my head on Johns chest as I silently cried and John led me away to his car.

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