What Do I Do?

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sorry if this chapter is boring but sometimes you just need to fit them in to get some information across so the other chapters are actually exciting you know? lol


I woke up to the sun beaming down on my face and looked to my right expecting to see John there beside me but he wasn't there. I sat up and rubbed my eyes as I squinted and scanned the room for him but he was no where to be seen. I looked over to see his white shirt laying across the chair and knew he was here somewhere. "John?"

"In here baby!" I heard him yell and smiled hearing his voice. We finally worked things out last night and for the better. I decided to let my walls down and trust him because he genuinely seemed to love me and everything just felt right with him.

I removed the blanket from my legs and swung them over the bed to make contact with the cold floor. I drug myself to the kitchen where I saw him cooking shirtless looking oh so fine this morning.

"Well good morning." I smirked leaning against the doorframe as I crossed my arms.

He quickly turned around and gave me that charming smile of his and shook his head chuckling. "Morning babe."

I shuffled my way over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist peeking over his shoulder. "What are we having for breakfast?" I questioned kissing his bare shoulder.

"What am I having for breakfast his the real question. Your lazy ass can make your own food!" He laughed glancing back over his shoulder at me.

"Fuck you." I giggled unwrapping myself from him and walking away before I felt my shirt being tugged back.

"no no no, come here, where are you going?" He whined grabbing onto whatever he could on me and pulling me back into his arms.

"I was just on my way to see my other boyfriend that actually cooks for me." I smiled tilting my head as he completely wrapped me up in his embrace looking down at me.

"oh and who is this boyfriend, I'm gonna need to have a talk with him." He whispered running his hands up and down my sides as I just smiled at him. "I love you." He mumbled quietly and I dropped my head to look down best I could considering we were so close. It still burns a little when people say that to me but I need to get used to it actually meaning something again.

"I love you." I whispered and he moved the hair out of my face and bent down to give me a soft kiss that didn't last long but I wished we could've stayed in that kiss forever.

He let go of me to continue cooking and I hopped up onto the counter beside him. I caught him look at me from the corner of is eye and smile as he continued to cook.

He then needed something in the cabinet above me and stood in front of me to reach up and grab it bending down to kiss me. "You're so beautiful it kills me." He sighed making me blush and bite my lip which must've been what pushed him over the edge as his lips crashed into mine forcefully. Our tongues began to battle each other as he completely forgot what he was doing and focused on me which I didn't mind. He skillfully kissed me rubbing up and down my thighs, causing my breathing to get caught in my throat.

"oh shit." He panicked pulling away leaving me wanting more as he ran over to the stove and turned it off.

"you and your sexy body just waltzed right in here and distracted me from my food!" He pouted throwing the now burnt food out and glaring at me.

"I could say sorry but I wouldn't mean it." I giggled dipping my finger in his pancake batter and smearing it onto the tip of his nose.

"Katy!" He yelled in shock and quickly grabbed a handful. Knowing full on what was about to happen I jumped off the counter and tried to run away when I felt his arm wrap around my waist from behind and smear it all in my hair and on my face. "John, don't!" I said trying to sound serious but it came out more as a giggle.

"I hate you." I muttered when he was done and flung some that was dripping off of me onto him.

"Karmas a bitch." he shrugged and I pulled him to me and finished what we had started a little bit earlier. Things were going fine until I heard someone else in the room clear their throat.


I heard someone clear their throat and immediately pulled away and turned to face whoever could have possibly gotten in. But when I turned around I saw that it was my manager. But why was he here?

"Am I interrupting?" He asked rudely like he even had the right to be here. I felt Katy grab my hand and hide her face on my shoulder probably embarrassed by everything he's seen.

"Well you weren't at your place, haven't been there in a while actually, and someone said to check here and no one was answering so I let myself in." He shrugged

"I'm gonna go take a shower," Katy said excusing herself but I kept a firm grip on her hand pulling her back to me.

"Hey hey hey, come here," I said in a hushed tone, "I love you." I kissed her forehead and let her walk off.

"So John.. I came to inform you that your tour is starting up in 2 weeks!" He proclaimed excitedly and my face dropped like it was the worse news I've ever heard.

"What's wrong with that?" He asked shifting from one side to the other studying my face.

"I can't go..." I said and as painful as that was for me I knew I couldn't go.

"What do you mean?" He spoke angrily. "It better not have to do with this girl. John, you've known her for-"

"My entire adult life actually and her name is Katy." I spat not liking how he talked like she was nothing important.

"You can't put your career on hold for some girl you like!"

We were starting to raise our voices and before I went off on him I calmed down to lower my voice so she wouldn't hear.

"I don't just like her I love her. No, actually.. I'm in love with her and it's been, probably forever since I've felt this way." I whisper yelled pointing to the direction she was.

"I'm glad you're happy John, really." He said now calm too. "But this feeling won't last, we both know it.. It's you we're talking about."

I placed my head on my forehead and paced around the kitchen. "No, no.. I don't think it will. and I can't leave her right now, she can't be alone."

I could tell he was fed up with me and at this point probably hated Katy for this but I knew it was what's right.

"John, either you go on tour.. or you're fired." He sighed giving me a sympathetic look.


"I'm sorry.."

I stood there silently for who knows how long. Staring at the ground trying to process what I was going to do. Neither of us spoke until we heard Katy walk back in and our heads popped up and looked her direction. Tears began to sting at the back off my eyes but I held them in when Katy walked over to me now all clean and dry.

"Are you okay babe?" She questioned staring at my saddened expression but this wasn't the right time to tell her.

"Yeah, baby I'm fine." I smiled pulling her into my chest and kissing the top of her head as I glared at my manager who for once actually looked a little sympathetic as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down.

"I should go.. I'll see you in 2 weeks." He said before he walked out.

"What are you doing in 2 weeks?" She asked pulling away.

"I'll tell you later okay.." I whispered knowing this could easily break us apart. She wouldn't like this idea at all and it scared me but what else was I to do? Music is all I know.

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