You love me?

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Okay, after several death threats I've decided to give you the next chapter lmao but the next chapter won't be up for another week :)


John had taken me out to dinner earlier tonight and it was wonderful. He's a great person and he's actually helping me forget about this whole Michael situation. He makes me laugh, and smile, and just genuinely happy and I wonder where he's been all my life.

It was now around 9 p.m and we had just arrived at the beach. John said he knew I loved it here and so why not. I hopped out of his car and ran to the sand with him calling after me.

"You're so slow!" I teased taking my sandals off and holding them in my left hand making my way down to the shore.

He just chuckled and did the same following me down to the water. The moon was bouncing off the waves and there was no one around, just us. It was a chilly night considering I only had a tank top and shorts on but who am I kidding this moment is perfect.

We began walking with our feet in the water for a few silent moments when I suddenly felt the need to tell him how I felt. I needed to thank him for everything.

I hesitantly turned to him and exhaled. "John.. I just want to thank you.. for everything. You didn't need to do any of this yet here you are." I explained getting choked up but I had to continue. "I feel safe with you and no ones ever cared for me the way you do and I don't even know where I'd be without you."

By the time I had finished a few tears had escaped unwillingly but he was quick to turn to me and wipe them away.

"Katy, I.." He was at a loss for words and just stared at me looking from one eye to the other.

"I mean I'd still probably be with michael, allowing him to beat me while he convinced me it was my fault." I sniffled and felt John pull me to him and snake his arm around me. I felt his hand start at my waist and curl it's way around my back.

"Stop, I don't want to think about it." He spoke up cutting me off. He rubbed up and down my back and I shivered when the wind picked up a bit and he wasn't late to notice.

"You're cold." He mumbled, "let's go..."

"no, I'm fine, I want to stay here.. with you."

He sighed and questionably looked at me before lifting his hoodie over his head and tossing it to me. "fine but put this on." he demanded

"But you'll be cold-"

"I don't care." He finished. "now put it on."

I obeyed and slid it over my head swallowing in it. It comforted me though, it was like John was always wrapped around me, shielding me from everything bad in the world.

We continued walking side by side and I looked down at his hand, inching mine towards his until our fingers were locked together and he looked down at our hands and brought them to his lips kissing mine.

We walked like that for a few moments when he started to slow down until he came to a complete stop.

"You alright?" I asked stepping closer to him and running my hand through his hair. He gulped and looked into my eyes. He leaned his forehead against mine and laughed so quietly to himself that I almost didn't hear him. What could possibly be going through that brain of his.

"What?" I whispered not moving and inch when he pulled away. He moved the hair out of my face on both sides and tucked it behind my ears.

"You're just so beautiful and... and I'm in love with you." He admitted and I've never seen him more vulnerable or scared in my life. His eyes scanned my face and with each passing second the spark in his eyes faded more and more. "I just wanted to let you know." He finally spoke up again and I realized I hadn't said anything yet.

He loves me? John Mayer, the man that could have anyone he wants, loves me. Katy perry. I felt my heart skip a beat and didn't even realize that he had pulled away from me probably feeling rejected right now.

I was arguing with myself over the what to tell him. Part of me said I loved him but the other part said it was too soon. Here's this man giving me his heart, standing in front of me, putting everything on the line. Why am I still pondering this? He's the best thing that's happened to me since... forever.

I smiled wider than I think I ever had. "John.. I.. I love you too." I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around. I wrapped my legs around his waist and leaned down to kiss him passionately while laughing into the kiss which made it more difficult since he tried his best to keep it going.

We finally broke apart and he set me back down on my feet. "I'm so glad you feel that way." He mumbled kissing my forehead and engulfing me in a hug.

I buried my face in his neck and placed a light kiss there. "I love you." I smiled as his grip on me became tighter.

"come on let's sit." He suggested after letting go and he pulled me down on his lap as we sat in the sand.

"so does this mean we're dating?" I giggled poking his cheek causing him to smile and turn towards me.

"does it?" he asked turning this on me.

"it does." I nodded

Suddenly he fell onto the sand taking me with him as i let out a scream. I was now laying on top of him as his hand traveled down my back, all the way to my thigh and back up.

I leaned down to kiss him and we soon found ourselves lost in the moment. Our lips slowly moved together in sync, with nothing to interrupt us.. or so I thought.

"Am i interrupting?" I heard a female voice ask, forcing us to jump apart and sit up. John stood up and I fixed my hair and cleared my throat as I looked up to see a blonde, very fit, woman standing above me.

"John! I can't believe it's you!" She shouted jumping into his arms with the biggest smile on her face. Who was she and why is she flaunting herself in front of him when I was clearly right here.

I awkwardly sat off to the side as they continued to talk completely ignoring me. Just how I pictured this moment a few minutes ago.

"oh katy! this is a former girlfriend of mine, stacey. Stacey, this is katy." He said introducing us as she smiled in my direction. Katy. I'm just katy. Awesome.

"Hi." i replied waving awkwardly trying to look anywhere but her.

"It's been so long since we've seen each other, like maybe what.. 4 years?" She exclaimed and I looked back over at them. She was all over him.. and he wasn't even pushing her away? He was actually smiling and my heart dropped.

"Baby can we leave I'm not feeling too well." I asked standing up hoping to get out of this situation. I grabbed his hand that was dangling by his side and pressed my body up against him casting a glance at Stacey.

He looked back and forth between the both of us before speaking again. "Katy I haven't seen her in years just a few more minutes okay?"

"John please.." I begged tugging at his hand but he just annoyingly looked over at me so I decided I was tired of this.

"fine, I'll catch a cab I'm leaving." I said as I walked off. Did he run after me? No. Did he even call after me? No. I knew it was too good to be true.

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