You're Safe Now

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this chapter is a bit longer than the others but I don't think you guys mind.. I don't really like this chapter as much I don't know, I feel like I've failed you all but hopefully you like it lol

"this is what happened..."


"Now when I let go don't you dare make a sound okay?" He demanded and I shook my head yes. I was so scared that I would have done anything.

He slowly let his hand fall from my face and turned me around to face him. "don't be scared, I just came to take you back home." He said suddenly very sympathetic and stroked my cheek.

"this is my home now." I said in an unsteady voice and my cheek was immediately met by his palm.

"this? this is your home?" He yelled knocking everything in his path over. The sudden change in his voice scared me and I flinched expecting the worst but surprisingly felt his grip leave my body.

"John doesn't treat you like I can. He doesn't love you like I do. He doesn't KNOW you like I do." He whined continuing to trash the living room. He suddenly stopped his actions as he eyed something across the room. What could he have seen.

He slowly made his way over to the object he had been staring at and that when he picked up a picture of me and John. He shook his head as he studied it. He suddenly clenched it in his hands and shattered it against the wall.

"No! home is with me.. you and me baby. remember when I said nothing would come between us?"

He was now in tears. He wasn't sobbing but every now and then a tear would gradually fall. It's like his mood changed every minute.

"You hurt me Michael." I now said less vulnerable looking him in the eyes.

"But I only do it because I love you, you know that.." He whimpered letting go of me and pulling at his hair.

I stood there fragile and scared watching him pace around the room. He was definitely drunk, maybe I could trick him out of this?

"You're right.. I'm so glad you came. take me home." I whispered walking towards him. I lifted his chin and pressed my lips against his. He kissed me back forcefully, too forcefully. I finally felt like I had him lost in his thoughts and pushed him away making a run for the door.

"You bitch!" He shouted grabbing my hair and throwing me onto the glass coffee table shattering it all around me. I tried to avoid the glass surrounding me but it was everywhere and I couldn't move.

"You tried to trick me?" He asked hurt with a sad look in his eyes. He knelt down to me and slapped me again even harder than last time.

He picked me up from the glass and immediately threw me down onto the floor again. "please stop, Michael. we're done, I don't love you and this won't change things." I cried.

He ignored my pleas and before I knew it he had flipped me over onto my back and pinned me down. "I've missed you. I just want us to be together." He cried leaning down to kiss me again against my will. I pushed at his chest but it once again only made his hold on me stronger.

Before I knew it he began to unbuckle his pants and my breathing quickened knowing exactly what was about to happen.

"No, don't do this please!" I cried harder than I have so far tonight. "Michael please!"

"Shut up!" He shouted scooting my body down closer to his. I was already in minimal clothing from earlier so it just made it easier on him.


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