I Need to Leave

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aye another chapter already. i got bored so here's the next one. also thank u thank u for everyone reading this and commenting i love you so much, really.


John's third show of the tour is almost over and I think he has about one song left after the one he's currently singing. He's had an amazing show and the audience loves him. I'm just so glad I was able to witness this.

It's weird though, because no one around here talks to me. Or even looks in my direction for that matter. I don't know if they have something against me or just aren't that sociable. It hurts a little knowing they most likely don't want me here but I'm here for John and that's all that matters.

John just finished his song and before he started the other stepped up to the mic and cleared his throat.

"I want to thank everyone for coming tonight. It means the world to me without you, I wouldn't be able to do what I love... and speaking of things I love, I want to talk about this very important person in my life that I love so much."

My hand immediately flew to my chest as I smiled at his words waiting for him to continue. "Her name is katy and she means so much to me and I'm so lucky to have her. She's actually in the audience right now watching me and I want to dedicate this last song to her." He spoke taking a step back as he strummed his guitar.

I had butterflies in my stomach because of his words. I can't believe he did that. As the song was coming to an end I began weaving my way through the crowd, surprisingly unnoticed to make sure I was the first person to see John when he was done. I had made it backstage and I heard him thank the crowd as they cheered and screamed. He was still going to beat me there but I was hoping to be the first to greet him.

I wandered though the halls until I finally made it to his dressing room and opened the door seeing that he had just walked in as well.

"John that was perfect." I smiled. "You're perfect." I said making my way to him and grabbing the sides of his face and kissing him passionately. My arms curled around to his neck and his started at my waist but soon began traveling down my body and settled on my thighs before he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him but he soon set me down on a counter he had in there.

After a few seconds we heard a knock on the door. "John?" The voice on the other end asked but neither of us broke away from each other.

"You in there?" We heard again as they jiggled the door handle trying to get in.

"I love you.. go wait outside I'll be there when they're done with me." He whispered as I slid off and pecked him on the lips one more time.

I opened the door and was met with about 5 faces staring back at me. This just got extremely awkward as I realized they knew exactly what was going on in there. "Sorry, he's in there.." I said clearing my throat and bit my lip before pushing my way through them. I leaned against the wall as they made their way into the room.

"should've known she'd beat us here." One said and I heard a few cheers before everything suddenly turned quiet. Almost too quiet. I stood out here awkwardly smiling at people as they walked by until I heard my name mentioned in johns dressing room. It's not called snooping if it's about me is it?

I crept over to the door and listened as best I could.

"John, she's a distraction to you! You only ever want to be with her! You need to be more focused.. " I heard an unfamiliar voice say but I soon heard johns immediately follow.

"maybe because she's in my life now and i love her? and you know you guys have been nothing but rude to her ever since you saw her." He said in quite the unfriendly tone.

"because we knew this would happen John. You're not focused, you never want to be here or rehearse. all that's on your mind is that girl!" someone else shouted and i found myself regretting even listening to this.

"she's a burden to you man.. you don't need that in your life. you're constantly worried and putting your life in danger for her. is she really worth all that? Don't blow this tour on her when we all know it's never really going to work out. it never does with you."

That was the breaking point. I covered my mouth with my hand as a sob escaped and backed away from the door before turning and running out of the building, my tears basically blurring my vision. I knew I needed to leave.


"who are you to talk about the person I love like that? she's means more to me than any of you!" I screamed getting mad. They had no right to say those things about her. They were just pissing me off.

"We just want what's best for you bud."

"Well she's what's best for me. and if you excuse me, I'm going to go spend the rest of my night with her." I said brushing past their shoulders and opening the door.

Where is she? She said she would wait outside but she's not here. I looked down both directions of the hallway before tuning back to them.

"Where is she?" I asked and they all shrugged.

"Shit." I mumbled slamming the door shut as I left. The nerve of those people is unbelievable.

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