Time for the Truth

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sorry this took so long to update! and thank you to everyone who contributed i tried to put a little of everyone's ideas in xoxo


"John... I need to um.. I need to.." I cleared my throat not able to find the words to say. I was nervous, and scared. My voice was shaky and I sat on the head of the bed with my legs crossed nervously fiddling with the pillow I had placed across my lap.

Shit, this isn't going to be easy. I was talking to myself; John wasn't even home yet. He was down at the beach with a couple of people celebrating something about his tour so he says. I was just trying to find the right way to tell him this very important life changing news. I frustratingly ran my fingers through my hair and let out a loud sigh. This could very possibly be one of the last times I see him if I don't pull this off.

I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts when my phone vibrated indicating that I had a message.

John: Will you please come join us? I miss you and I'm cold...

I smile down at my phone as I send him one back. I was still really nervous about this and didn't really feel like being around people.

Me: I don't know babe.. and are you saying I'll keep you warm?

John: if we play this out correctly then yes. but seriously baby please

Ugh why can't I ever say no to him? Maybe it's because I want to be around him more than he probably wants to be around me. I'm clingy i admit. But maybe being away from reality for a while would be good. It was pretty late though and I really wanted to tell him soon.. oh well.

Me: Fine, I'll be there soon, I love you

John: love you babe

I tossed my phone away as I got up to at least put some more clothes on considering I had been sitting here in a shirt and my underwear. I threw on my blue romper and took my hair out of my bun as it fell down passed my shoulder in long waves. I quickly grabbed my phone and my keys and headed off to where John was waiting.


I texted Katy hoping she would show up. To be completely honest I was tired of these people and wanted to be with her but didnt think I could just leave. I texted her where we were sitting, around a fire that i skillfully built, while other were drunkenly making fools of themselves. She seemed really off when I left her too so I just wanted to make sure she was okay. It's been around 15 minutes when I finally see that gorgeous face walking towards me.

"Guys she here." I mention standing up and jogging over to meet her half way. "I'm glad you came come on." I said kissing her quickly grabbing her hand and dragging her behind me.

"Where are we going?" she giggled once she noticed we weren't going back to the fire where everyone else was seated.

"We're exploring!" I joked gripping onto her tighter. "Now come on, no more questions."

"John, it's dark as shit i can't see!" she laughed as we basically tripped our way through the sand until we were a pretty good distance away from everyone.

"Annnnnd we've arrived!" I shouted throwing my hands out to my sides as if I had found something amazing.

"Arrived where, what am I looking at." she asked confused tilting her head to the side trying to figure out why I brought her here.

"I don't know I just wanted away from those lunatics, appreciate the scenery!" I teased sitting down and pulling her onto my lap.

"Hey are you alright?" I whispered as I turned serious again examining her face as she looked down at our fingers that she was intertwining together.

"Hm yeah, yeah I'm fine." She stuttered wrapping her other hand around my neck and into my hair where she lightly tugged at it. She quickly went in for a kiss which I gladly accepted but I knew there was something wrong and we needed to talk.

"Katy-" I tried to say as I pulled away but she just crashed her lips into mine forcing her tongue into my mouth and just like that I was hers. I don't know how I had ever lived so long without her, and her lips, and her eyes. Her eyes were so beautiful.

I reached my hand up to position on her cheek so I could hold her in a better position to kiss her more skillfully. I still couldn't believe that I was with her.. that she allowed me to be with her. I was the one who got to hold her at night, and kiss her good morning. Me.

Her tongue once again met mine and that wonderful sensation brought me back to earth. I pulled away breathlessly knowing she needed to talk.

"come on babe, what is it.. I know you better than that." I said raising my eyebrows at her.

"Nothing!" I heard her say as she spread my legs and sat between them settling her back on my chest. "I'm fine."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and began caressing the soft fabric where her hips were placed. We hadn't said much more to each other but words weren't needed as we looked out into the ocean.

"I love you so much." I bent down to whisper into her ear. My lips were ever so slightly touching her temple as I kept talking. "You're my everything baby, I can't imagine life without you." I breathed out tightening my grip around her as I shut my eyes and kissed the top of her head.

"fuck.." I heard her quietly mumble as she turned to look at me. "I can't do this to you.." She whispered as a tear fell from her cheek. Do what to me?

"Wh-What do you mean?" I stuttered nervously swallowing, my eyes scanning every inch of her face.

"Just know that I love you with every bone in my body. I don't want this to come between us okay?" She pleaded looking into my eyes. I nodded, too confused to speak.

"I... might be pregnant John." She said biting her lip. This was great! Why was she acting so strange?

"Baby, that's great! I'm so happy!" I screamed ecstatic, waiting for her to be happy too but she still had that worried look on her face.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?" I asked reaching for her hands but she pulled them away.

"It might not be yours John."


sorry this is so so short but i hope you like it!

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