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this chapter is ALSO suggested by one of you so i hope it's satisfactory to your needs.


He's pacing. He left me sitting here in the sand with tears sliding down my cheeks as he walks back and forth kicking the sand in front of him. I hadn't said anything else to him yet, I just let him get anything he needed to say or do out before loading the rest of the news onto him.

He finally stopped walking and turned to look at me. That's when I noticed that he had a tear falling from his chin. "What do you mean it 'might not be mine' katy?" He finally asked well more like screamed at me and I was glad there wasn't anyone around.


"Just don't talk right now, please.." He begged turning away again to walk away from me. "Who was it? Huh? Was it Russell? Michael? Some random guy you decided to shack up with while I was away?"

He was mad now. Fuming. I just wanted to tell him the truth but he wouldn't listen or even let me talk. I just needed to wait until he calms down even if he was throwing hateful comments my way. I stayed rooted to my spot on the ground looking up at him as he began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I perked up getting ready to follow him when he stopped me with his hand.

"Don't. I need to be alone." He said through gritted teeth roughly pulling his hand off me. "I can't believe you."

I needed to explain this to him before he got too worked up and left me, he needed to know the truth but I was so ashamed. "John just let me explain! It's not what it seems!" I screamed at him in the distance but he just shook his head and continued walking, not even bothering to look back at me.

I sunk back down to the sand and cried, and cried, and cried wondering if he was ever coming back. It felt like bricks were lying over my chest as I sat there trying to let out a breath of air as I sobbed into my knees. He's all I ever needed and I knew that I would have to be completely honest with him when I saw him again. He won't be happy, but I don't think he'll be as mad as he is now..

I finally think I ran out of tears as I stared out into the ocean, my breathing finally back to its normal rate. It's been around 20 minutes and there's still no sign of him, until I finally see a figure walking towards me noticing that it was John.

"Cmon, let's go." He said in a softer tone than before and he reached out to grab my hand and helped me up. I look at him confused, thinking for sure he wouldn't want me near him.

"I'm not going to just leave you here, cmon." He said again, pulling me behind him. I felt his hand try to slip out of mine but I squeezed his tighter not wanting to let go. But my strength wasn't anywhere near his and he successfully pulled his hand from mine sticking it into his pocket.

We silently walked back to the car, and I kept a little distance behind him knowing he probably hated me right now.

"Where am I taking you?" He asked not giving me one glance as he just stared out into the road. I wanted to go home.. with him?

"I want to go home with you John I still need to talk to you.." I said as he started the car and pulled onto the road.

"Okay. Let's talk." He sarcastically smiled my direction. "Who was it?"

"Don't be an ass John." I trailed off looking out my window as the rain started to fall hard.

"I'm not the one being an ass. I didn't sleep with anyone else!" He yelled driving a bit faster than I would like, especially in this weather.

"Michael it was Michael!" I finally screamed letting tears fall from my eyes and I saw him look at me in complete shock.

"Michael? Katy what did I ever do to you to make you want to sleep with him? Didnt you love me? Because I fucking loved you a lot!" he screamed getting angrier by the second.

"It's not like that at all let me explain! and of course, I loved you! I still love you John! Don't you love me?" I asked facing him completely now. I watched as he clenched his jaw waiting for him to say he loved me. He had to still love me.

"John? You love me right?" I asked this time in a weak, frail voice praying for him to agree.


I don't think I've ever been this angry. All I've ever done is love her and keep her safe and she betrays me? She was the first woman I actually saw a future with, the first woman I proposed to, the first woman I wanted to have children with and this is how it turns out. I whipped my head around to hers forcefully staring into her sad eyes. "I did katy! I did love you but now you've-"

And then it all happened.

"John!" She screamed as a pair of headlights came towards the car. I quickly threw my arm out in front of her to keep her from hitting the dash as the car hit us. It all happened so quickly but it felt like minutes went by as we anticipated the crash.

The car went crashing sideways into the guardrail before flipping over it causing the car to roll twice before finally settling upright. I finally opened my eyes scared to look at my surroundings and let out a breath I had been holding the whole time. My ears were ringing from the loud noise of the car rolling but I could still faintly hear the sound of the cars passing by on the highway.

I had felt what I was hoping to be sweat running down my forehead but as I wiped it away I discovered it was actually blood. I quickly turned my attention to katy who was lying lifelessly onto her window. For the first time I tried to speak and my voice came out frail and weak, it didn't sound like my own.

"Katy.." I asked reaching over to gently shake her shoulder. But I got no response. Panic started to take over my body as I desperately waited for her to say something. Anything.

"Fuck no no no Katy, baby say something please." I pleaded undoing my seatbelt knowing I needed to get out of the car and over to her.

I tried opening the door but to no surprise it wasn't wanting to open so I finally hurled my shoulder against the door forcing it open. It was once i stepped out of the car that I realized just how sore I was. I paused to take a second to catch my breath before using the car as my crutch to get around to her door.

Anyone witnessing this would've thought I was crazy. I could've waited for help to arrive but the only thing on my mind was to make sure katy was alright. This was all my fault, she had to be okay I couldn't live myself. At this point I looked at everything around me. There was glass shattered all over, her side of the car was crushed, and there were pieces of metal everywhere. I closed my eyes hoping that this was a dream. Praying that this wasn't reality. But to no avail when I opened my eyes I was still met by the ruins of the car.

I finally reached her door and pulled it open. I gently reached across her and undid her seatbelt half pulling her half dragging her out of the car.

I sunk down to the ground with her in my arms; tired, sore, and out of breath. I just needed her to open her eyes, I needed to hear her voice.

At first I didn't even notice the sirens, or the people rushing toward us. All my attention was focused on her. Finally a paramedic bent down to me and spoke but I couldn't understand him. It was as if I was underwater and nothing was making sense to me now.

I felt someone take Katy out of my arms and I tried to protest, and to ask them where they were taking her and that I wanted to go with her but my mouth couldn't form words. My vision was all too suddenly becoming blurry as weakness took over my body. The last thing Katy heard come out of my mouth was that I didn't love her anymore.. and I couldn't stand the thought of those being my last words to her.
WELL YOU FINALLY KNOW WHO IT IS NOW HOW DO YOU FEEL 😅😅 (and so now afton/katyhudz you can rest in peace)

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