Chapter 5

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Bella's P.O.V
I got in bed and went to sleep dreaming what would happen if Edward came back for me. What would I do? I had started to fall for Jacob, but I had not indeed revealed my feelings for him yet. I wonder if he loved me back.
Jacob's P.O.V
After wolf patrol, I headed home and went to bed. I was so exhausted since I went to the beach with Bella all day and now had patrol. I did not know if I could live like this anymore. I wish Bella were here. When will I get to reveal my feelings for her? I do not know the right time to tell her? I hope she loves me back. Anyways, the next morning I got up to make me a bowl of cereal. Dad was already up. He was watching TV.
"How was patrol last night?" Dad asked.
"It was great, I guess, it's so peaceful because the Cullens are not in town." I replied.
"I bet they haven't been around for a year."
"I'm so happy."
"Why are you so happy?"
"I don't want to have to see that bloodsucker Edward Cullen near Bella again."
"Let me guess you're happy to see the Edward Cullen not near Bella because you can spend time with her."
"You got me. Yes, I'm falling for her, and I don't know the right time to tell Bella I love her."
"Are you going to see her today?"
"I don't know I think she would be busy right now especially with school."
"Well it is Thursday she has school today, and you do too. I would get ready for school."
I went to take a shower and was now dressed, and I headed out the door to my motorcycle.
Bella's P.O.V
I got dressed and headed downstairs to make Charlie some breakfast. I made eggs and bacon. I then set the food on the table, and we ate.
"Hey Bella, what are you doing after school?" Dad asked.
"I don't know. Why are you asking me this? You already asked me." I said.
"Just wondering."
After I ate, I went upstairs to brush my teeth and grabbed my backpack. I then headed out the door, got in my truck, and headed to school.
Jacob's P.O.V
At school during lunch, I did not talk much. I was thinking about Bella too much. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her.
"Jacob, what's wrong with you? You are so quiet." Seth said.
"It's nothing." I replied.
"Oh, really we all can tell."
"I think you are in love." Embry said.
"How can you tell?" I asked.
"Well when you're in love, you don't eat much and don't talk much."
"Fine, I'll tell you. It's Bella."
"I knew it; every time I see you with her you are so happy!" Seth yelled.
"So have you revealed your feeling for her yet?" Embry asked.
"No, I don't know the right time to tell her." I replied.
"Are you going to see her after school today?" Seth asked.
"Yeah, I just don't know where." I replied.
"Why don't you surprise her in her school parking lot?" Embry asked.
Bella's P.O.V
At lunch I did not talk much I kept thinking about Jacob. I was thinking about going to see him after school at his house, but I did not know if I should.
"Bella, are you OK?" Angela asked.
"Yeah." I replied.
"You seem a little down, are you sure you are OK?"
"What's wrong?" Jessica asked.
"Well, it's a boy." I replied.
"Who is he?" Angela yelled.
"You wouldn't know him." I replied.
"Does he go to this school?" Jessica asked.
"No." I replied.
"Just tell us we will learn." Angela replied.
"Fine, his name is Jacob Black." I replied.
"Is he hot?" Jessica asked.
"Yeah, wait, why are you asking me this?"
"Just wondering."
"You know because I told you this doesn't mean you can go after him."
"I know."
After school, I headed down the hill to my truck talking to Angela and Jessica. I saw a motorcycle next to my truck in Angela's car next to mine. Jessica's car was on the other side of Angela's car. We walked to the truck, and we saw a motorcycle. I opened the door, put my stuff in the front seat, and closed it. Jessica walked to the other side to see whose motorcycle it was.
"Come quick, Bella I want to show you something!" Jessica yelled.
Angela and I went to see what she wants us to see. Jessica ran to me and told me something.
"Isn't he cute?" Jessica yelled.
"Yeah, he reminds me of Jacob." I replied.
Suddenly the person turned around facing us. I had a pause when he stared into my eyes.
"Hey, that's Jacob!" I yelled.
"Is it the guy who you were talking about at lunch?" Angela asked.
"Oh." Jessica replied.
Suddenly Jacob walked over to us.
"Hey, Bella" Jacob yelled.
"Hey!" I yelled.
He hugged me and then we pulled away. It was very awkward for a second.
"So." Jessica said.
I stopped looking at Jacob and looked at Jessica.
"Oh sorry." I replied.
"So who are these two?" Jacob asked.
I looked at Jessica and Angela.
"Jacob this Angela and this is Jessica." I said pointing to each of them.
"Nice to meet you" He replied shaking their hands.
"So I should be going." Angela said.
"Me too I got to get home." Jessica said.
"Bye!" Angela yelled getting in the car.
"Bye!" Jessica yelled.
"Bye!" I yelled.


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