Chapter 18

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Bella's P.O.V
I walked into my house seeing nobody there. I looked at the time. It was two. Good, that Charlie was not home than he would wanting to know why I was here so early. I walked upstairs to my room and took a nap because I had nothing else to do. Four hours later, I woke up to a banging noise on my window. I got up and walked over to my window, and opened it to see who it was. Outside I saw Jacob with ripped shorts and shoes.
"Move back I'm coming up." Jacob said.
I moved back while he climbed the tree and swung into my window. He walked over to me and hugged me.
"So how was your day at your friends?" Jacob asked pulling away.
"It was good, I guess." I replied looking at him and us walking to my bed.
He looked confused about what I said.
"Bella, can I talk to you?" Jacob asked.
"Sure you can talk to me about anything." I said.
"Well, I got home, and Sam came to me, and he said he saw Edward at the meadow. He also said that he heard a girl, but didn't see her."
"So I think it was you with him."
"Why do you think that it was me?"
"Edward doesn't bring anyone to the meadow except you."
"That's true."
I sat down on my bed. Jacob walked over, grabbed my hands, and pulled me off the bed.
"Bella please tell me the truth. Did you go to the meadow with him?" Jacob asked.
"Huh yes, I did." I replied.
He let go of me and turned away from me and walked away. He had a disappointed emotion on his face.
"Jake I had a reason for doing that." I said.
"What was your reason?" Jacob asked turning around to look at me.
"Well after graduation, I won't see him anymore, because it's our last time seeing each other, and you don't want him near me, so we wanted to talk, so we went to the meadow."
"You did nothing else, right?"
"Did you?"
"Fine, yes."
"Why to wait if he kissed you did you kiss him back."
"Yes, but he made me."
"He wanted to kiss me for the last time because he knows that after you find out, he would die."
"So are you mad?"
"Yes, I'm mad."
"About me lying to you or me going with Edward somewhere and kissing him."
"Both, but mostly you lying to me."
"I'm sorry. What can I do?"
"There's nothing you can do. All I will do is kill him."
"Don't do that Jake you never know what would happen."
"Like I care I don't want a guy kissing you."
"It was only once."
"Fine like I care anyway. Edward broke my heart."
"Wait, so you're letting me kill him?"
"So when are you going kill him?"
"Jake not yet wait till graduation then you can kill him."
I walked over to him and grabbed his hands.
"Why?" Jacob asked.
"Because maybe I want to say bye to him before graduation." I said.
"Wait now I'm confused. You said you hated him for breaking your heart and now you want to wait."
"Jake, do you forgive me?"
"Sure why not?"
"Well I better go I have patrol tonight,"
I walked over to him.
"Be careful I don't want to see you hurt." I said.
"Bella I never get hurt I'm the strongest out of all of them," He said.
"I can tell."
I looked at his body.
"So before I go I want a goodbye kiss." Jacob said.
"OK." I said grabbing his shoulder.
He grabbed my waist, I pulled him closer and kissed his soft lips. I was about to pull back, but Jacob was still tied to me. He kept kissing me. Therefore, I grabbed the back of his hair and pulled him closer to me, and I kissed him more. A minute later, he pulled away, and I did too. I grabbed him again and hugged him goodbye, and he did also.
"I'll miss you." I said.
"I'll miss you, too." Jacob said.
"I love you."
"Love you, too."
He hugged me, and I hugged him back.
"Bye Jake." I said.
"Bye." Jacob said pulling away and walking to my window.
I walked toward him while he jumped out the window.
"Be careful!" I yelled.
"You said that!" Jacob yelled.
"I know just telling you."
He suddenly phased into his wolf and ran into the woods. I closed the window, and suddenly I heard a noise downstairs. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to see who it was. I noticed Charlie in the kitchen, and I walked down there to see what he was doing.
"Hey, dad." I said.
"Hey Bella, how was your day with your friend?" Dad asked.
"It's was good."
I had to lie to him.
"That's good." Dad said.
"So what are you making?" I asked.
"I'm making vegetable soup. Do you want some?"
Suddenly my phone rang and I answered it.
"Hello it's Edward," Edward said.
"Hey, Edward." I said walking out of the room.
"So did you make it home with no one finding out?"
"That's good."
"So Edward I need to talk to you."
"What do you need to talk to me about?"
"I need to talk about today."
"What about today?"
"Well Jacob found out and the only way for him to forgive me to quit talking to you."
"What do you mean you have to quit talking to me?"
"I have to quit talking to you on the phone and seeing you after graduation."
"Oh that's okay I think we already planned this anyway, but why can't I see you after graduation."
"Jacob wants to kill you."
"For kissing me."
"OK, I don't care I'm not going find anyone anyways."
"Well, I got to go."
"OK bye."
I walked back in the room seeing Charlie putting the soup in the bowls for both of us. I sat down at the table and put the soup in front of me, and I ate. He sat down also and ate.
"So what are you going to do tomorrow? I'm going to Billy's to watch my football team play so to let you know I don't want you here alone," Dad said.
"Hum I don't know, but I'll let you know." I replied.
I finished eating and headed upstairs.
"Goodnight, Dad." I said.
"Goodnight, Bella." Dad said.
I headed to my room and brushed my teeth, washed my face, and went to bed.


I posted picture of Jacob and Bella. 

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