Chapter 17

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Bella's P.O.V
It was now Saturday and the day after I had an abortion, Also, the day I was hanging out with Edward. I was scared because I was afraid I was going to fall in love with him again and Jacob could find out that I was hanging out with him. Also, if Jacob found out, he might kill Edward or break up with me. I finished my homework, and suddenly my phone rang, and I answered it.
"Hello." I said.
"Hey, Bella it's Edward." Edward said.
"So what do you want to do today?"
"I don't know you can't go in the sun."
"I know, how about we go to the meadow?"
"I'll meet you there, so nobody knows we're together."
I couldn't believe we were going to the meadow. The last time I went was when we were together. I headed downstairs and again my phone rang.
"Hey Bella, it's Jacob." Jacob said.
"Hi." I said.
"What are you doing today? Do you want to do something today?"
I did not know what to say I couldn't lie to him. Therefore, I was going to make up something.
"I already have plans." I said.
"What plans?" Jacob asked.
"I'm going to go study with Angela at her house."
"Oh, OK I'll see you later then."
"I love you."
"Love you, too."
I hung up the phone and headed down the stairs. I did not see Charlie anywhere so I think he would be at work or Billy's' house. I grabbed my coat and keys and headed out to my truck. I got to my truck and saw Charlie in the driveway.
"Hey Bella, where are you going?" Dad asked.
Great should I lie to him or should I tell the truth? I guess telling the truth would be right and lying would not be the right thing.
"Hum, I'm going to Angela's to study." I lied.
I had no choice to lie. If I tell dad I was going to hang out with Edward, he might not let me go, because he hated him, and did not want to be to make a mistake.
"OK see you later." Dad said.
I got in my truck and headed to the meadow in the forest. When I got to the meadow, I saw Edward standing under the sun like a statue. His skin was sparkling diamonds. He was so beautiful. Wait what was I thinking. I was with Jacob. I walked over to him, and he spoke.
"Hey." Edward said.
"Hey." I said stopping in front of him.
It was awkward we never hung out since Edward left me.
"Let's sit down." Edward said.
"OK." I said.
We both sat down in the flowers and did not speak.
"I don't think this is a good idea. Jacob would find us." I said.
"I know, but we will figure something out." Edward said.
"OK, what do you want to do? There's nothing really to do here?"
"Let's just talk like we did before?"
"So what are you going to do after graduation?"
"I'm thinking of going to college in Alaska or in Florida where my mom is."
"What about Jacob? He can't be there with you,"
"I know we'll figure something out."
"Well, you don't have long, because of school's almost over."
"I know. When did you care about our relationship, you never cared about Jacob?"
"I know, but I don't want Jacob to keep you from doing what you want to do, and I care for you,"
"Ah that's sweet but he won't."
"I know but he could."
I couldn't believe him. He thought that Jacob would ruin my life he will not.
"Know what, Edward, you're doing this because you don't want me to be with him and even if I chose you and still decide to be a vampire you would still ruin my life!" I yelled.
"Not really." Edward said.
"Not really. How would you not ruin my life?"
"I would make your life perfect forever and not leave you."
"What about my career you would still ruin my life because as a vampire I can't do what I want and with Jacob, I can still do what I want!"
"I don't know."
"That's why we shouldn't be together."
"Wow Jacob changed you into wanting to be a vampire, and now you understand why you shouldn't be a vampire."
"I like that Bella, and I'm happy that you don't want to be a vampire."
"You're welcome."
It was awkward for a second and I laid down, and so did he.
"Do you remember that last time we laid down in this?" I asked.
"Yeah it was the year we fell in love, and you found out I was a vampire." Edward replied.
I flipped over on my side and looked at Edward. I decided to flirt with him to give him a lesson.
"Edward you know we would still be together if you didn't leave me." I said putting my hand on his stomach.
"I know." Edward said.
"Then why did you leave me?"
"To protect you."
"You didn't protect me. Jacob still had to protect me from the vampires that wanted to kill me."
"Yeah and I realized that and came back to get you back."
"I know."
He got off the floor and looked at me.
"Bella I made a huge mistake, and I won't do it again. Can you forgive me and we can start all over again?" Edward asked.
"Huh, I don't know. I cannot leave Jacob. He's my life." I replied.
"Has he imprinted on you yet?"
"Then you can still make your decision him or me."
"Decision, I already chose, and it's Jacob."
"Are you sure I don't see it?"
"How... how do you not see it?"
"The way I see you with him there's no connection."
"That's because we don't like to show our love in public as I did with you. I like to show it privately."
"Kiss me."
"Kiss me."
"No. I won't do it."
"This will be the last time we hang out I bet so I just want one kiss, and we can keep it a secret."
"OK, just one kiss that's all, and if Jacob finds out and wants to kill you, I'm going to let him because it was your idea."
"OK deal."
"I'm not going to kiss you. You're going to kiss me first."
He leaned into me and grabbed my face. I shivered when I felt his ice-cold hands. It was weird touching him, because he was cold, and I was used to Jacob's warm body. He pulled a thread of hair out of my face and then lifted my head to kiss my lips. He touched my lips, and we kissed. He kissed my soft lips passionately. He then pulled away. I liked it and lost control, and I grabbed his body and pushed him to the ground. I got on top of him and kissed him passionately. A minute later, I heard a noise in the woods.
"Edward, did you hear that?" I asked scared getting off him.
"Yeah." Edward replied.
"I think it's the wolves. We shouldn't be here."
I got up off the floor.
"I know." Edward said.
He also got off the floor.
"I better go you know you would be in there." I said.
Edward's P.O.V
After Bella left, the wolves came out. Embry, Sam, and Quil all lined up in front of me. Thank goodness, Jacob was not here.
"Who are you with?" Quil asked.
"Just a girl I know no big deal." I said.
"Not Bella right." Embry said.
"No. No Bella." I lied.
"Good, because Jacob would freak when we tell him, and he would kill you." Quil said.
"I know." I said.
"We better go." Sam, said walking past me, and the others behind him.
"Yeah." Embry and Quil said.
I did the same thing and headed home.

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