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It's been a few months since all that happened and it's been relatively peaceful.

Tommy had been getting nervous that Dream or a higher up was planning something and that's why it was so peaceful, but I told him to relax.

We had found SapNap, Bad, and Ant spying on us a while ago too, and let's just say, it took a whooooole lot of explaining as to why there were two Shadow Demons and a hybrid standing behind Tommy and I when we returned.

Something we all found out was Bad and SapNap could shift their forms into more human-like shapes.

SapNap said he did it because he was too tall to fit properly in the base, whereas Bad did it to appear more non-threatening.

Wilbur, Fundy, and Phil were still a little more skeptical of their motives, but Ant agreed to hang out with Fundy and help him handle his new instincts and abilities. SapNap and Wilbur still have mild tensions from when Wilbur and Tommy destroyed his form that one time.

Fundy avoids SapNap completely.

Bad grew on everyone and practically no one hates him. He's far too friendly for that, and anytime someone swears, he scolds them by just saying "language."

He's probably the only demon, besides Tommy, that everyone's comfortable with.

He even proved to be a good baker. He loves helping Nikki bake things and he has an odd liking to muffins. Both in his version of cursing, and the food itself.

Ant goes fishing for everyone to bring fish and fresh water to the table, helping skin it and cook it for us.

SapNap's fire abilities proved to be useful as well. He loved the process of setting the stove aflame and smoking the edges of certain pastries to give it a unique taste, since Nikki conveniently lost her lighter a few weeks ago.

I personally think she hid it so she could have SapNap feel included and helpful since he was mainly avoided by a majority of the others.

Not that I'm complaining.

I mean he literally did save mine and Tommy's lives twice.

But now we're here. SapNap, Tommy, and I. We're hunting because we're bored and we wanted to do something.

Tommy and I sat in the trees. SapNap was hiding in the shadows and could be anywhere.

My scarred hand gripped the bow tightly and three fingers lightly held the string back, ready to pull it all the way and let the arrow fly.

On cue, a deer walked out and looked at the bait we left. I pulled the string back and aimed it, waiting a minute and letting it fly. It struck the deer's shoulder and it thrashed as it fell to the ground.

After a moment, it stilled, eyes glazing over.

SapNap appeared a few feet away from it, already poking it with a stick to see if it would move.

It didn't.

Tommy dropped down to join him and so did I, standing a bit away as they started to gut the deer, starting an argument about something mundane like they tend to do.

I got bored with it pretty quickly and decided to wander. Usually Tommy would be against it, but he was busy trying to one-up SapNap.

I wandered for a bit until I couldn't hear their shouts.

I entered a clearing and froze.

There sat, at the edge of a river, what looked like a shadow demon.

It was tall and was curled up, head resting on its knees, watching the river flow.

I went to back out but I stepped on a stick, alerting the rather terrifying Shadow Demon to flinch, turnaround and stare at me.

Tree Turned (Demonic Apocalypse AU with the SMP bois :))Where stories live. Discover now