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Sappy nappy

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Sappy nappy. Sappy nap. Sappy nappy nappy nap. I speed ran this art too.

Tommy and I were in charge of hunting today.

I received a bow and a quiver of arrows. Tommy was tasked with the unpleasant parts of hunting, like gutting the animal.

Hunting in itself wasn't active. It was mainly sitting still in a tree, and waiting. Tommy, surprisingly and unsurprisingly at the same time, couldn't sit still for more than twenty minutes, always getting distracted with a silver butterfly that he insists is a diurnal moth.

I didn't have the guts to tell him moths aren't diurnal.

He looked so happy watching the butterfly flutter around, even once landing on his arm which pulled out a delighted squeal from the demon, making me laugh, which made Tommy embarrassed.

"Wait until one of your favorite animals lands on your arm." Tommy hissed, watching the butterfly dance around. He then looked at me. "What is your favorite animal?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure I said it was bees. If I didn't, then it's bees." I said, scanning the forest floor for any movement.

He laughed a bit. "Bees? Why bees?"

"Why moths?" I retorted, making him laugh again.

"Fair." He said, shrugging it off. The butterfly fluttered over towards me and landed on the bow, it's wings opening and closing to get blood to its wings.

"Ooooooooooooh look!" Tommy hissed excitedly, his tail wagging back and forth quickly.

"It's a very pretty butterfly." I said.

"Oh fuck you. It's a moth." He watched the butterfly a little longer. "I want to name it ✨C l e m e n t i n e.✨" He said suddenly, and weirdly. I choked on my spit, causing the butterfly to flutter off. Tommy whined in disappointment.

If I had to describe how he talked most of the time, I would say he was the kind of kid who always had the caps lock on when he talked. So hearing him say Clementine so softly was adorable and weird all at once.

The bushes rustled a bit, which drew our attention to the forest floor. A red fox ran out and sat down, panting.

I drew my bow string back, ready to fire when Tommy placed a claw on my shoulder shaking his head. I tilted my head back at him, but he looked down at the fox.

All of a sudden, a ginger haired man launched himself at the fox and caught it, making the fox cry out, squirming in his hold.

"Gotcha, Fungi." Fundy said breathlessly.

"FUNDY!" Tommy growled. The man in question jumped, almost letting the still squirming fox go, and looked up to see our disappointed faces.

"Whaaaat?" He asked, squinting his eyes at us like a fox does.

Tree Turned (Demonic Apocalypse AU with the SMP bois :))Where stories live. Discover now