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Wilbur knocked on my door.

"Toby, we're heading out now if you still wanna come!" He said through the door. He had showed me around the rest of the bunker that they claimed after he got his stuff all set up.

"One minute!" I called back, closing my main notes journal and setting that in a little hidden compartment that I found under the bed, and pulled out the rough notes journal, placing that in my bag. I grabbed a jacket they lent me as a placeholder for my other one. I grabbed the dagger that Wilbur left me, and placed that in its covering that was attached to a belt loop on my jeans, and headed for the door.

I opened the door, and saw tall boy Wilbur leaning against the doorway, looking at his nails with a bored expression, and hair in his face, trying to look emo. I simply smiled at him, which made him chuckle and ruffle my hair in that brotherly way again.

"Tubbo, you are VASTLY unprepared." Quackity said from the end of the hallway when he saw me. I just shrugged, Wilbur wasn't paying attention and was fiddling with his communicator instead, continuing to walk ahead, forcing us to shut up and follow.

We started making our way towards the door, but caught sight of Techno and Eret still playing Uno, glaring into each other's souls as they lied down each card. Needless to say, it's distracted us quite a bit.

"How long have they been at it?" I asked quietly.

"They still haven't finished the last round that we saw. This is their fourth time through with the discard pile." Wilbur replied at the same tone as me, glancing up from his communicator for a split second, huffing in minor disappointment and looked back down, fiddling with it again.


"They both have too big of egos to give up first."

That comment made me snicker. Wilbur started laughing along too, trying to shush me as to not disturb the Uno Gods in their natural habitat.

Quackity basically grabbed our arms and dragged us out of the door. The air was cool, but not overbearing.

"Alright." Wilbur huffed, coughing as well to stop the giggles. "Tubbo, if your leg starts hurting at all, let us know, and stick with one of us."

"Wait we're splitting up? Tubbo doesn't have any weapons on him that could protect him from those things!" Quackity said.

"I have a knife." I said.

"Yeah, he should be fine, plus he has the brains. He wrote down a bunch of shit on those things and how they each work individually. We should be the ones feeling vastly underprepared." Wilbur said.

"Wait you read my journal?" I asked, completely forgetting the small conversation Wilbur had with Nikki while my leg was healing.

"Yeah, it was quiet interesting. There's actually a few things I learned about them from reading that." Wilbur said. I smiled brightly, glad someone was able to learn something from all of my jumbled, probably misspelled notes.

Wilbur smiled back at me, and started walking towards the place that originally was my house for a few months.

(Time skip cuz I'm lazy as fuck, L)

When we got there, I didn't recognize it. Some of the walls had fallen and the top floor and ceiling had caved in. I immediately saw the remains of the bed I had slept in for those long, cold months laying along the floor. I also noticed some claw marks on an outside portion of a wall. I walked up to it and briefly brushed it my fingers. It was deep, so maybe a sound one, but they were wide too, which could also be a sight one.

Tree Turned (Demonic Apocalypse AU with the SMP bois :))Where stories live. Discover now