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I stirred awake to the sound of voices.

"How's he doing?"

"He's doing okay, he did a pretty good job on reducing the bleeding."

"That's good to hear."

"Did you see that journal he has?"

"Oh yeah! I'm impressed with the fact the he managed to learn all of that about those things, and have the foresight to write it down."

They were talking about my book. They read it. They technically have almost all of the knowledge of those things, so why are they keeping me alive? As bait? For what?

I opened my eyes slowly, the light was quite dim in the room I was in. I groaned, and adjusted myself to a more comfortable position on my side.

"Hey Toby! How're you feeling?" Wilbur asked.

"Ok I guess." I grumbled. I looked at who else was in the room. She was short, with brown hair and two blonde streaks on either side, had pale skin, and blue eyes.

"Your leg still needs to heal, so you can sleep more if you want." She said in a surprisingly soft voice.

"Oh, wait. Toby, this is Nikki." Wilbur said.

"Hi Nikki." I said tiredly.

She smiled sweetly and said 'hi' back.

I curled up on my side, extremely tired from waking up, and closed my eyes, letting sleep have me again.

The next time I woke up, there was more conversation in the room.

I could hear Nikki talking to some other male voice that wasn't Wilbur or anyone I knew. I opened my eyes and looked around and saw Nikki talking to another brunette female. But when the other one talked, they sounded like a male. I knew I was staring, but I was just overly confused. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but nope, still a female with a male's voice. Every now and then they'd say something in a higher pitch, but then drop right back down.

Nikki glanced over to me and smiled, seeing that I was awake.

"Good Morning Toby! This is Finn." Nikki said, gesturing to the female with a male's voice.

"Nice to meet you Toby!" Finn said with a nice smile.

"You too, uhm...."

"I look a bit strange huh?" Finn asked with a laugh.

"Not really, I just woke up and was a little confused."

"I just like dressing up! This is my normal, what they call, 'outfit'."

"I think it looks nice!" I said, wanting to sound nice, but not giving off the wrong idea.

"Aww, thank you!" They said.

"How's your leg feeling?" Nikki asked.

"Feels better than it did last time." I said pulling the sheets off and looking at my now professionally wrapped leg. There were still little spots where the blood poked through, but not like how it was when I wrapped it.

"Take it easy when you move around and do things, but other than that, you're free." Nikki said, calling out to Wilbur, saying that I was awake.

"That's good."

"Hey Toby!" Wilbur said smiling at me from the doorway.

"Hey Wilbur!" I said back. He held a hand out to me, as I stood and walked on my legs for the first time in almost two days.

Tree Turned (Demonic Apocalypse AU with the SMP bois :))Where stories live. Discover now