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Backstory: Grace Weasley is Ron and Ginny's older sister and the younger sister for all the others. For some reason your parents kept you from Hogwarts until now but never told you why. They finally agreed to let you go to Hogwarts after you begging them.

"RONALD WEASLEY!" I yelled. 

"Your in trouble." Both twins said from his room. He walked into my room. "What?"

"What did you do with my wand?" Ginny ran in. "Grace found it. It was in the kitchen." She handed it to me. "Oh. Sorry Ron." He walked out. "I can't believe mum and dad are only letting you come to Hogwarts with us now." She sat on the bed. "Yeah well I'm just excited to be going. Now out I need to finish packing." 

She up and left. I finished packing and went downstairs and dad loaded the trunks into the car. We headed to the train and everyone said there goodbyes. Mum was hugging me. "Now you be good. And have fun but not to much fun."

"Mum I got it. And I'll have Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Fred and George." Percy had graduated already. "Okay now go." My dad said I hugged him and walked on the train.

I bumped into someone. "Watch it." I said. "Watch who your talking to." He said. "If you expect me to know who the hell you are then you must not be important cause I have no fucking idea who you are." I said and Ron, Hermione, and Harry walked up. 

"Grace! Why are you talking to Riddle?" My eyes widen. "No reason. Come on let's find a compartment." I grab Hermione to walk with me and I shove him aside causing him to hit the wall as Ron and Harry follow. 

"Grace! It's been way to long since we've seen each-other how are you?" We hugged. "I'm great Mione how are y-"

"Grace stay away from Riddle. He's bad news and a terrible person. Got it?" I scoffed. "You can't control who I hang out with or who I'm friends with Ron." I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat across from him waiting to see his answer.

"Grace it's Tom Riddle. Voldemort's son." Harry says. "Whatever." I ignored them for the rest of the train ride and when we arrive at Hogwarts I changed into a different outfit and then came time to enter the great to get sorted.

I open the door a little so see and hear what's happening. "Silence!" Dumbledore said and everyone went quiet. "Now if you could all welcome Miss Grace Weasley." I walk in and all eyes turn to me. Even Tom's. I walk down to were Dumbledore and McGonagall are. "Now please sit here and the sorting hat will sort you into your house." McGonagall said and I sat on the seat then she put the sorting hat on my head.

"Ahh another Weasley. Your different, very different. Your clever, very ambitious and mean you must be SLYTHERIN!" 

I was shocked but got up and walked over to the Slytherin table. How am I a Slytherin? I sat near the end where there was barley anyone. Maybe a couple of first years but that's it. "Hey Weaslebee come over here." I got up and walked over to where Malfoy was and sat down. 

"Hi I'm Astoria Greengrass and that's my sister Daphne. And that's Pansy." She points to each girl as she says there name. "I'm Grace nice to meet you." 

"I'm Zabini, Blaise Zabini. That's Mattheo and that's Tom, they're brothers." He points to each of them. "I think you and me are gonna get along zucchini."

Everyone starts laughing. Tom has a little smirk on his face. "Us girls will have to show you around Hogwarts after classes tomorrow." Astoria says. 

I know mum and dad are gonna be disappointed I got Slytherin but I already made friends so I don't care. Maybe that's why they didn't want to send me. They knew I would be a Slytherin and they didn't want that.

After the feast we head to the Slytherin common room. Everyone leaves to do there own thing. "Mattheo do you know who I'm sharing a dorm with?"

"Astoria. So you'll be seeing a lot of Draco and Tom." What? "Why both of them?"

"Draco and Astoria are dating and Tom and Astoria are best friends." 

"How lovely. Excuse me I need to go unpack." I walk to the dorm and open the door seeing Draco and Astoria half naked. "Oh My God I'm so sorry!" I closed the door. 

I start to walk down the with my head down to the common room when Tom stops me. "Yes Riddle?"

"Mattheo said they you were putting your things away. Why are you here?"

"I accidentally walked in on Astoria and Draco." 

"If there was a tie on the door that means do not disturb." He laughed. "I'm glad you find this amusing now I'm going to the common room." I walk away and brush it off. I sat in the common room for about 15 to 20 minutes until Mattheo, Blaise and Pansy coming in. "Hey Grace. I thought you were unpacking." Mattheo says. "Walked in on Astoria and Draco." I said. 

"Those two do it every single day. It's pathetic." Pansy says. "Your pathetic Parkinson." Draco says coming down. Astoria comes down behind him and comes up to me. "Shut up Malfoy." Pansy says. "Grace I'm sorry." Astoria says. "I should've known what a tie on the door meant I'm sorry." 

"Come on I'll help you unpack."

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