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Grace's POV

I found this little place behind the garden to sit. "Grace!" I heard a voice. "Grace come on. We just wanna talk." Another voice. "Grace." This time the voice was right behind me. "You told me to go away." I said hiding my face in my arms. 

"Grace I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just... I took my anger out on you." He said. "Seems like your pushing me away." I said. "Grace no it's not that." I looked up at him. I hugged him. "I love you." He whispered. Love? I thought Tom could never love anyone. According to the girls. I didn't say anything and just hugged him tighter. "Grace!" 

"We should go back to them." He said. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head before standing up and helping me up. "Grace I want you to promise me one thing?" I have a feeling I know what this is. "If it's about trusting you I-"

"It's not that. I want you to promise to never cry over me." What? "I'm confused." I said. "I'm not worth enough for you to be crying over me." He was more than enough. Why can't he see that. "Grace promise me."

"I promise." I lied. I trust him but I can't promise I won't ever cry over him. We walked back to the house and the minute I stepped inside Astoria ran to me. "Never scare me like that again." She hit my arm pulling back from the hug she has trapped me in. "I'm sorry."

"Children come eat." Narcissa says before walking away. "Does she?" I asked. "No we didn't want to worry her." Draco said. "Your all in dresses."

"Well yeah we thought it would be nice if we all dressed up." I nodded and then realized the boys were dressed up too and I was still in jeans and one of George's old shirts. "There's a dress in your room for you." Daphne says. "Come on I'll help you get ready." Astoria lead me into Tom's room and there I saw this gorgeous green dress hanging. Astoria's dress was pink, Daphne's was blue and Pansy's was red. "Narcissa picked it out for you." She said before going over and grabbing the dress from where it was hanging. "Go put it on." I smiled before grabbing the dress and going to the bathroom.

The dress was perfect. Fit me well, was floor length and had a slit on the side. It was strapless which I actually liked for once. And it showed enough of my chest that needed to be shown but covered enough it was still appropriate enough for dinner. I zipped up the back and fixed my hair before walking out of the bathroom. Only instead of finding Astoria, Tom was waiting for me. "Where did Astoria go?" I asked. "She went downstairs to Draco."

"Well we should go down there." I grabbed my bracelet and walked out with Tom following behind. Before reaching the stairs I was spun around by a hand on my waist. "Are we okay?" He asked. "Yes." I said. The expression on his face told me he didn't fully believe me. I kissed him. "I promise." I said and grabbed his hand. Then we walked downstairs and everyone else was there.

"We were wondering what happened to you two." Narcissa said. "Sorry dress problems." I lied. We sat down and started to eat. Astoria was next to me and whispered in my ear. "Is everything alright?"

I nodded and continued to eat. I hoped everything would go back to normal one day. How it was before this whole thing happened. I looked over at Tom sitting next to me talking to Mattheo who was across the table. All the adults were having a conversation with each-other. Daphne was talking to Pansy. Blaise was talking to Draco. And Astoria had joined in on that conversation with Draco. Everyone had a place at this table. It was their normal. And I was just here. I took my napkin off my lap and walked out of the dining room. Everyone clearly noticed but didn't say a word.

I sat in the library reading a book. Something to do with potions. But it might help me in class so I figured it could be good. "Is everything alright dear? You left before dessert." I looked up to see Narcissa. "Oh yes everything is fine. I'm sorry I excused myself. I can join the rest for dessert."

"I know you're lying to me. I know everyone else is hiding something as well." She sat down next to me. "Me and Tom are having problems." I said. "Wanna talk about it? I won't tell a single soul what you tell me. I promise." She said

I sighed. "He doesn't trust me. And he thinks I don't trust him. I was in the library earlier and he was talking to Mattheo about me because we had what I guess could be called a minor argument before hand. Then he got mad and told me to leave. So I ran to the garden for a little which is why I took longer to get ready for dinner. Plus we were already having problems when it came to the whole I wouldn't be good enough or be approved to be with him." 

She gave me a soft look and there was a knock on the door. "Tom." She said. "Narcissa." He said. "How long have you been standing there?" She asked. "Long enough." She stood up. "You two should talk." I stood up. "We should all go back to everyone else."

"Grace." He said. I went to go walk past but he stopped me. "Talk to me." He said. "And say what? What would you like to hear me say Tom?" Now I was just annoyed. "What your actually feeling."

"Clearly you heard enough from your spying. I'm going downstairs." I walked out and downstairs back into the dining room. Sitting down Narcissa and Tom came down shortly after. They sat down in their seats from before and everyone was already eating desert. 


I changed out of the dress and into a pair of shorts with a oversized t-shirt. All my stuff was still in Tom's room so I had to get ready for bed there. I walked out of the bathroom and he was standing looking out the window. I was planning on staying with Pansy tonight instead of him. Because of our argument. "Tom-"

"You not staying. I figured you were planning on it." I walked up to him. His eyes were red. As if he had been crying. I've never seen him cry before. "I'm sorry for earlier." He mumbled. "It's okay." I whispered putting my hand on his cheek. "I overreacted. I think just being here has put a lot of pressure on both of us." He grabbed my hand and moved it. "Tom. What's wrong?"

"Let's go somewhere." He said. "And where is it exactly you wanna go?" I asked. "Do you trust me?" He asked.


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