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January 7th

I was going with the guys and girls to Malfoy Manor. "It's gonna be fun." Daphne said. "Fun? That's what you think it's gonna be like?" Blaise asked. "Look let's try to think positive." I said as I grabbed a black sweater from Astoria's closet. "We really need to take you shopping. You can't keep living in all my clothes." She said. "The only thing of yours I'm wearing is the sweater. I just want to look somewhat nice." I replied. 

"They won't care about nice." Mattheo said. "Your awfully calm about all this." Pansy said. "Because they either like me or they don't and I know I won't change their mind." I finished up my makeup and fixed my hair. "Yes but your too calm about this." Mattheo said. "Your just worrying to much. Which is understandable." I said. I spent the rest of my time packing while they all chatted. Except Tom. He was quiet. Quieter than usual. Was he nervous? I mean Tom was never nervous.


Tom's POV

The words to describe nervous between everyone in this room now was like the devil setting fire on heaven. Which that sounded more believable than any of us being nervous. We were never nervous. It wasn't normal for us. As Slytherins and purebloods we always remained confident and acted as though we didn't care. And eventually we just learned not to care. Grace brought the side out of all them that cares.

 She brought out the side of me that cares. Was I nervous? A little. Not because of what my father would think of Grace. I could give two shits about him. But because Grace was coming home with us. With me. And not saying that's a bad thing. Well I am. She doesn't know me like she thinks she does. She knows me now. The present me. Not the past me. She doesn't know the me that tried to kill her sister. Or her brother. The person that didn't give a care about anyone but themselves and the rest of the world could fuck itself.

She didn't know me. No matter how much she said she does, she doesn't. The lies, the secrets. She doesn't know. She knows what I want her too. If she ever found out about anything else she would never want to be with me. And I can't fucking lose her. Is that selfish? Maybe. But when it comes to Grace I would burn the world for her. 


Grace's POV

Me and the girls sat in one compartment on the train while the boys sat in another. "When we get to the manor you have to see the garden. It's so pretty. Especially at night with the string lights. I may have convinced Narcissa to have the house elves put them up. But seeing as I'm dating her son she-" Astoria was cut off by someone. "Astoria your rambling. Maybe when we get to the manor we should let her get settled. You'll have all the time to show her everything." Tom's voice. "Grace can I speak with you?" I got up and walked out with him into our own compartment. 

"Is everything alright?" I asked. "Yeah. I just wanted to check on you." He said. "I'm fine Tom. A little nervous but I think everyone's nervous. But you. With the way your acting it's hard to tell what your feeling right now." I said. "I'm fine." He responded. "You're not feeling anything?"

"No. But Grace when we get there. Please just stay with one person. Even if it's not me. My mother will be there if she gets you alone I don't want to think of the things she might say or try to do to you. She is crazy. I want you to be careful." He said. "I'll be fine." I stated. He nodded and I kissed him. I want to know what's going on in his brain right now. What he's thinking. How he's feeling. But I know he won't openly tell me. Is he worried about something?  "We should get back. We'll be at the manor soon." He said. This time I'm the one who nodded and he kissed me. I walked out and his compartment was to the right while mine was to the left. 

I didn't say anything to him and made it seem like I was walking back to my compartment. Once I heard him enter his compartment and he couldn't see me. I walked into an empty one and just laid there. Eventually I fell asleep.


Tom's POV

"You mean she never returned to the compartment?" I asked. "No. We thought she was still with you." Daphne said. Shit. Where is she? "Wait where did Astoria go?" Draco asked. "Now we lost another one. Just great." Mattheo said. "You didn't lose us. I went to find Grace." Astoria said. We turned our heads to see both of them standing there. Grace looked tired. "Sorry I scared you guys about being gone." Grace said.

 Astoria walked over to Draco and the minute Grace was in my reach I pulled her into a hug. I leaned down to whisper in her ear so the other's didn't hear us. "Don't scare me like that. I thought something happened to you." I said. "I'm sorry." I just held her tighter. "Hey lovebirds we gotta go." Mattheo said. "Don't be jealous just cause your single Mattheo." Grace teased him. "Lucky your dating my brother." We headed to the Manor. "Why is it so... depressing?" she asked me. "Love it's Malfoy Manor not the burrow. Besides Lucius owns it did you really expect it to be all sunshine and rainbows?" We walked in and she just shook her head cause we were in earshot of the adults. This would not be good.

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