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"Grace wake up!" Ginny whispered yelled. "What?" I was trying to not wake up Tom. "It's Christmas." I sat up. "Give me like five minutes and I'll come downstairs. Who else is awake?" 

"Mum, Dad, Percy, Hermione, and me. Well now you. I gotta wake up Harry and Ron. Can you wake the twins?" I nodded to her question while rubbing my eyes. She walked out closing the door behind her. I climbed on top of Tom. "Tom wake up." I spent the next three minutes trying to wake him up. "I'm up." He noticed I was on top of him. "Well I'm enjoying the view." I hit his chest and he flipped us over so he was on top. "Wanna try that again love?"

"I have to go wake up the twins." I said. "Fine." He leaned down and kissed me before getting off of me so I could get up. I walked into the twins room. "Boys wake up." I shook George lightly and he woke up. "Happy Christmas." George said. "Happy Christmas George. Fred get the bloody hell up before I spill water on you." He got up. "I'm up okay?" 

"Good. Happy Christmas. Get up and go downstairs everyone else is up." I walked out and went downstairs. The trio was talking. Ginny was sitting on the floor. Tom was on the couch. "Happy Christmas." I walked up to the trio giving them each a hug. "Happy Christmas." Hermione says. The twins came downstairs Percy following. "Okay can we open presents now?" Ginny asked. "She's been like this every since I came down." Tom whispered in my ear and I laughed and smiled. "Your smile is beautiful love." I blushed and my parents walked in and he went back to sitting normally. 

"Yes we can start opening gifts." Dad said. Us girls practically ran over to the tree. "You girls act like your five when it comes to presents." Fred says. "Look let us enjoy this." Ginny said and handed me a box. It said Ron on it. "Here." I handed him the box. "Since when did I become the one who has to hand boxes out?" I asked. "Since you were the one who woke up last out of us girls." 

"I was tired." I said. "Yeah I know. You and Tom looked quite comfortable." Everyone went silent and I hit her in the back of the head with the pillow. "Shut it. Like I didn't see you and Dean Thomas snogging before we left for break." I put the pillow down. "So you and Tom are snogging?" She asked already knowing the answer. "No. Finish with the gifts." I sat back down and looked at Tom. Shooting him a small smile and earning one in return. I handed out the gifts and we all opened them. "I forgot something. Excuse me." Tom got up and walked upstairs. "What's that about?" Fred asked. "I don't know I'm gonna go find out." I put the box that was on my lap on the floor and walked upstairs.

"Grace you could've stayed downstairs." He didn't have to turn around when he said that. I haven't even knocked on the door yet. "What can I say I'm interested in why you left." He had a box in his hand. "What's in the box?"

"Why do you wanna know?" I walked over to the drawer and took at a box before walking over to him. I handed it to him. "Is that present for me?" I asked. "Who else would I get a present for?" I smiled. "Here." I handed him his present and he handed me mine. "I told you not to get me anything."

"I didn't listen." I opened the box and found a silver snake necklace with the eyes an emerald green color. My mouth fell open a little. It was beautiful. "You like it?" Like was an understatement. "I love it. It's beautiful. Thank you." I hugged him. "Of course love."

"Open yours." I said pulled away from the hug and carefully setting the box down. He united the ribbon around the box and pulled the lid off. I had gotten him a silver watch with a snake inside of it. "Do you like it?" He put the box on the bed and pulled me into a kiss. "Does that answer your question." He said while pulling away from the kiss. I nodded before leaning back in to kiss him again. 

"Hey Grace-" Harry walked in. "Harry! Ever hear of knocking?" He looked pissed. "What did I just walk into? Ron!" Harry went to go downstairs. "Harry no." I ran after him knowing Tom wasn't far behind. "What?" Harry got downstairs before I could grab him. "Your sister is what." Everyone went silent and was staring. "Harry keep your mouth shut."

"Harry did you see something?" Ron asked. I looked at Hermione and Ginny. "Something I wish I didn't." He said. "I could oblivate you right now and you'll forget it every happened." I said just wishing he wouldn't say anything. "Can I talk to you alone?" I asked Harry. More like grabbing his arm and pulling him into the kitchen. "You can't say anything."

"You do know who he is right? Do you know what your doing?" Tom walked in. "They're asking questions." Tom said. "Grace you can't be serious." Harry said. "Look I don't know what I am. But I know that's for you or anyone else in that room to decide and I swear to god Potter do not start something on Christmas if you wanna make it to next Christmas. Now I don't care whether you two wanna kill each-other whenever your around each-other. You both gonna go in there Harry your not gonna stay a word and we're all gonna civil. Got it?" I looked at both of them. "Okay." Tom said.

We walked back into the living room. "Grace and Riddle are snogging." Harry says. "Harry James Potter!" I yelled. "What?!" Mum said. "That's not true." I said shooting a 'I'm gonna kill you look towards Harry'. "That kiss said otherwise." He said. "I swear to fucking god Potter." I wanted to punch him in his fucking face but George grabbed me and held me back. Tom would've but maybe it's better that he didn't. "Your not gonna need to worry about Voldemort killing you cause I'm gonna do the fucking job for him." 

"Grace Weasley!" Mum yelled. "Grace calm down." Fred says. "I'm tired of being calm. Of being this perfect girl. The perfect daughter." I snapped. "She wasn't like this till she met those Slytherins." Mum said. "Grace don't do it." Oh I'm fucking past that.

"Don't even say that. You don't like that I'm a Slytherin fine. That's your choice. But do not blame my friends for the reason I am right now. Because your the reason why I'm like this. I get it. I failed. I had one job and I fucked up okay. I'm the disappointment. The failed Weasley. All because I couldn't get Gryffindor." 

No one even tried to stop me at this point they all know it wouldn't have ended well for them. "Or maybe's it just because of him." She said referring to Tom. "God and you wonder why Fred and George always have to calm to me down and talk me out of killing myself! And I had plenty of chances to do it. The only reason I didn't is so that you wouldn't put all the weight on Ginny. So that she could have a normal life. I wish you never had me sometimes." 

"You don't think I feel like that?" She asked. "Mom!" Ginny said. Silence filled the room for a good five minutes before I opened my mouth to say something. "Your a terrible mother." Was all that came out. "And you just couldn't be like you siblings. Maybe then we wouldn't see you a such a mistake." She walked away. My dad followed her. Leaving me, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, Percy, and Tom. "She didn't mean it." Fred said. "She never says something she doesn't mean." 

"Grace I-" George started but quickly stopped as I broke down in his arms. "Shh. It's alright. I'm right here." He was always the one I went to when I was upset like this. Him and Fred. But mostly him. He was always there for me. And I know no matter what he always will be. I can always talk to him. Or use him as a shoulder to cry on if needed.

In this case the second one. Everyone else stood in silence. The only sound hear in the room were my cries. Which made me feel so fucking weak. I only every cried in front of George. I felt weak crying while everyone else was just standing there. While Tom was just standing there. Having to listen to all the shit my mother just said about him. About our friends. I pulled away. "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." Ginny and Hermione came to help me. Ginny giving me a hug before leading to the stairs. "Your my sister no matter what and I love you." She said. The girls walked up the stairs a few steps.

I stopped when my hand touched the banister.

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