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Astoria's POV

It's been two weeks. She hasn't been in class or back to the dorm. George stopped by though. I knocked on the door. "Hi." The voice said. "Hi Grace." I said. "Come in." She opened the door.

I walked in and she closed the door and we sat down on the bed. "Grace what happened?" I asked. "I just need a break." She said. "The note, the avoidance, the necklace?"

"I don't know what you want me to say." She said. "No I didn't come here for an explanation I came here to talk and I need you to listen." I said and she nodded. "Grace we all miss you. The girls are asking what happened, the boys are asking Draco and Tom and I none of us know what to say. Are we supposed to say you and Tom are on a break, are we supposed to tell them what happened. You left us with nothing about how you feel about everyone else knowing. And I get needing a break. But your my bestfriend. And you've been gone for two weeks now. You didn't even let me know if you we're okay. I had to find out from your brother. I've been worried about you. And Tom... he's sick Grace." She looked up. "He hasn't been eating, he won't talk to anyone except Draco, he's been to the hospital wing three times in the past two weeks because of it. He misses you. You were all he had that actually made him happy and I swear it broke me and Draco to see him have to not cry when you left the necklace." I finished. She hugged me, crying. I pulled her in, slightly crying to at this point. "I didn't want this to happen." She said her voice breaking.

"I know. But I need you to come back. Please just fucking talk to him. He wants to make things right with you. He doesn't want to lose you." I said. She started crying harder. Fred and George walked in. "Hi." I said. Grace pulled away and looked at them. "It's time to go back sis." He said to her. He hugged her tight and she cried a little more. I know probably telling her that Tom was sick probably wasn't the best idea but she needs to know.

Grace's POV

I couldn't once I heard Tom was sick. I didn't want things to get this bad. I was just upset he wasn't opening up to me after we had talked about the whole trusting and being honest with eachother thing. I packed my bag and I went with Astoria back. Mostly because of Tom but also the twins were gonna throw me out sooner rather than later. They were probably sick of me now.

I walked into the common room and it felt dead. "Where is everyone?"

"Pansy and Daphne are in their room probably studying or drinking. Mattheo and Blaise have been doing there own thing. And Draco is probably with Tom trying to get him to eat something for once." She said. We went to our dorm first so I could drop my stuff off. Nothing had changed. "Come on." She grabbed my arm.

We walked to the door and stopped. I stood on the side and she opened it to lean into the doorway. "How's it going?" She asked. "He still won't eat. He's being stubborn." Draco said. "Just not hungry." I put my hand over my mouth between how sick his voice sounds and hearing that voice for the first time in weeks. "Tom please just eat. Grace would want you to." She said walking in. "Well is she here? No. So fuck off please." He said. I stood in the doorway and Astoria hushed Draco before he could say anything.

"Draco we should go." She said. He nodded and they left. I didn't know what to do. He was laying in bed back facing me. I didn't know to knock or to walk in. I quietly walked in and closed the door.

I walked over to the bed and sat down. "Tom." I whispered. Has his hearing being damaged as well? "I'm sorry." I said louder this time. "Grace." He sat up and turned. "Hi." I said. He looked scared. He was so skinny, he looked pale and his hair was a mess. "Your looking at me like I'm a ghost." I said quietly. I grabbed his hand (cold as ice). "I promise it's me." I said. He went to pull me into a hug but hesitated and removed his hand from mine.

"Tom." I said voice breaking and eyes watering. "Astoria told me what happened." I continued. He stayed quiet and looked down. "I didn't mean to cause this. I'm so sorry. I was just so consumed by my emotions in the moment that I didn't know what else to do. I never meant for you to get sick, or for everyone else to think I hated them. I'm sorry." I finished in full tears by then. He looked at me. "Are you back just because you know I'm sick or for good?" He asked. "I'm not leaving again." I said.

"And how can I believe that?" He asked. I looked in his eyes. He looked like he was trying not to cry so badly.

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