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We walked downstairs to flashing lights, loud music, people drinking. Pansy and Daphne were dancing with each-other. Blaise was getting a drink. And Mattheo was talking to some random girl who I didn't recognize. "Draco come on." Astoria grabbed him and lead him to the dance floor. Eventually I lost sight of them in the crowd. I was standing in a somewhat corner of the room away from people with a book I grabbed from my room. 

"Hey Grace." I looked up. Cedric. "What do you want?" I could tell I was starting to breathe weird and felt uncomfortable. "I want to apologize." He said. "Well you just did. Excuse me." His arm went around my waist holding me back from walking. "Cedric let me go." I said. "Grace don't cause a scene." He said. I met eyes with Astoria and she and Draco stopped dancing. I followed her eyes to Mattheo, Tom, Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne. The girls were trying to distract Tom from looking this way. But it was no fucking use once he made eye contact with me and set his drink down before walking over.

"Cedric I suggest you let go of me right the fuck now before Tom comes over here. He's already walking this way and once he gets over here I won't be able to stop him from punching you in your fucking face." He let go of my waist and I quickly ran to Tom. "Grace move." He said. Cedric had started walking somewhere else. "Tom don't cause a scene. Please. Hey look at me." He made eye contact with me. "I'm okay. He didn't do anything or hurt me."

"I still wanna beat his fucking ass for touching you. I warned him." I grabbed his hand. "It's okay. I'm okay. I promise. We don't need to start any trouble right now. Especially with Harry, Ron, Hermione, and everyone else here. They'll find a way to blame you for it and I don't want that to happen." I said. He pulled me into a hug. "Can we go to your room?" I asked. "Yeah come on." I followed him up the stairs. Pansy and Daphne both sent me a smirk. Astoria smiled. 


I walked in and he closed the door behind him. I set my book down. "About earli-" He kissed me. A passionate kiss. Catching me by surprise it took a couple of seconds before I kissed him back. I felt my back hit the wall. His hand made his way to my dress. Slowly lifting it up. I pulled away. "Do you want to?" He asked. I nodded and pulled him back into the kiss. His hand remained on the spot where it was a few minutes ago. I placed my hand on top of his slowly moving it up until I removed my hand and he continued himself. 

He smirked when his finger lightly brushed over my underwear. He dipped his head into my neck leaving soft kisses before whispering in my ear. "Your already so wet for me." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me again before walking over to his bed and placing me down and positioning himself on top of me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He questioned. I nodded. "I'm gonna need much more than a nod from you Grace." He breathed out.

"Yes." He smirked as his lips met mine and I placed my hands in his hair. His fingers had now returned to the spot they were at earlier. He began to lightly rub against the fabric. I broke the kiss  to moan, causing Tom to press harder into that spot between my legs. I threw my head back. "T-Tom please." He took this perfect opening at my neck to kiss and suck on it lightly. "Please what, my love?" 

He applied more pressure. "I need to feel you. P-please." Tom smirked down at me. "That's what I wanted to hear." I let a large moan escape my mouth as Tom's hand finally shifted from my underwear to the sensitive skin between my legs. I buried my head into arm that was right beside me as Tom's fingers massaged my clit. Another moan began but was cut off by Tom's lips pressing against mine. One of my hands found his hair as he switched his thumb to the top of my mound, continuing the same motion. He then made the motion fast still continuing the same rhythm. 

My kiss became sloppier as he finally pushed two fingers inside of me. My moans became the only sound heard when his fingers curled. He kept his thumb remaining on my clit as he roughly moved his fingers inside me. My body began to tingle as I reached closer to orgasm. My eyes flew shut as my head fell back into the pillows. Both my hands were tangled in Tom's hair.

My eyes flew open when he removed his hand from between my legs. "If you want to finish. Tell me how good I'm making you feel." He said. Wh-What?" I stuttered with my words at the lost of sensation from not feeling his fingers inside me anymore. "Tell me how good I'm making you feel darling. It's the only way I'll let you finish."

"You feel good inside me." He must've been satisfied with my answer, he placed his thumb on my pulsating clit. That tingle in my body returned at that contact as he leaned in to kiss me once more. He removed his hand once more and I groaned at the feeling of contact disappearing again. He began to slowly kiss down my neck to my cleavage before thrusting two fingers into me without warning. This earned a loud moan from me.

Everything he did was sending me closer to the edge. My orgasm taking over my senses. I dug my hands in his hair causing a groan to escape him as he pulled his hand away. I remained in the same spot as I was still coming down from the high he had just provided for me. He smirked at me then briefly leaned in to press a quick kiss on my forehead before shifting next to me. "You were saying?" I couldn't help but let a laugh leave my mouth. "You know you bring out something in me I don't recognize Tom."

"Oh really. What would that be?" He asked. "I don't fully know. But I feel bold when I'm around you. Though once you leave I question everything and think if you just found it embarrassing." 

"I don't find anything about you embarrassing love." He ran his hand up my leg. "I wouldn't be here with you right now if I thought you were embarrassing." I nodded. "Yeah I guess your right." I said. "I would like to know more about this bold side of you." I grabbed his shirt pulling him closer so I could kiss him. "Grace we don't have to go any further if your not ready."

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