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I closed my door after walking into my room to see Tom with my book in his hands. "What are you doing?" I smiled leaning against my door. Is it possible to find someone cute and hot at the same time? Even if it's not it is now. Cause Tom fucking Riddle found a way to be both. "Pride and Prejudice. Good book choice."

"You've read it." I said walking over and he handed the book to me. "Yeah a couple of years ago. I have some free time during the summer so I always read a book or two." Our hands connected as he gave me the book. Then the door opened. "Mum said to ask you to leave the door open." Ginny said. I quickly grabbed my hand back and turned towards her. "How is that fair? The trio has the door closed all the time."

"There's three of them. Besides Hermione would never do anything with either of them. Ron's to stupid and insecure to try anything. And Harry, well he just doesn't really care about that stuff you know that." My smile dropped. "Look I'm just here to deliver the message. It was either me or mum came upstairs." I gave her a look. "Out."

"Okay I'm going. Dinner will be ready soon." She walked out. "So I'm gonna take that as your mother doesn't like me." I turned around. "She just doesn't trust us. They waited so long to send me to Hogwarts and never told me why. I don't think it's you. I think it's me." I put my book on the shelf. "Besides mum is always like this when it comes to me. Dad usually doesn't mind. He wanted to send me to Hogwarts when Ron went. But mum kept me home. Never told me why. Sometimes I wonder if it's because maybe she had a feeling I would get Slytherin."

He gave me a caring look. "I think maybe I disappointed them. By getting Slytherin. Everyone else is a Gryffindor." He pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "You didn't disappoint anyone Grace. You belong in Slytherin otherwise the house wouldn't have put you in it. You don't have to be ashamed of it." He said. I nodded. He hugged me. "I'm glad I was put in Slytherin." I said pulling away from the hug. "And why is that?" He asked. "Cause I met you and everyone else." 

He leaned down to kiss me before we were rudely interrupted. "Dinner's rea-" Ginny cut off. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to disturb." She said. "Your not. We were just talking." I said. "Okay. Um I have to go get Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Mum said to come downstairs for dinner." I nodded. "We'll be right there." She walked away and down the hall to Ron's room. "She always interrupts at the worst times." He said. "Come on we have to go before she comes back to get us again." 

We walked down the stairs. Dad was sitting at the head of the table as always. Percy stood up and walked over. "Hi sis." He hugged me. "Percy. I heard you been locked away in your room for forever." He laughed. "Well it's either that or deal with our family." He said quietly. "You must be the guy Grace was telling me about in her letter. She wouldn't shut up about you." I hit him. "Shut up." I said. "I'm flattered. I'm Tom." He said. "Riddle." Ron added walking past us. "Ron just sit down and mind your own business. You and Harry are the only ones who aren't at least trying to be nice to him." I said.

"Wait till Fred and George meet him." Ginny said. "There opinion on guys matter to her the most out of everyone." She directed that last sentence towards Tom. "You too. Go sit down." They all took there seats and Percy excused himself to go sit back down. "You wrote about me?"

"He's lying." I said. "I have the three pages you sent me in your last letter to prove it." Percy said. "Not of all it's about him." I added. "So there's something about me in it." He smirked. "Maybe." Fred and George walked down the stairs. "Hey sis." I ran up to Fred and he pulled me into a hug spinning me around. He put me down and I kissed George's cheek before giving him a hug. 

I was always close with the twins. Closer with them than I was anyone else. "And who's this?" Fred asked. "This is Tom. Tom this is Fred and that's George." I said pointing to each twin as I said there name. They've all known about each other. But I like a formal introduction. "Kids come sit down and eat before the food gets cold." Mum said. We walked in and sat down. We ate and talked. Me and Tom mostly either talked just the two of us or with Fred and George. They were all nice to him.

And got along together. It wasn't as weird or hard as I thought it was gonna be. The only ones that are difficult are Harry, Ron, and mum but there's no changing her mind. That's clear. Harry's set in stone on hating Tom. And Ron follows Harry like a lost puppy. I don't think there's any changing their minds either. 

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