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"I mean I wouldn't o-" There was a knock at the door. I walked over to see nobody but when I looked down there was a box and a letter. "What is that love?" Tom asked as I picked up the box closed the door and walked over to my desk. "I don't know." I untied the ribbon and lifted the lid. Inside was a rose and next to it was a...

"Ew." I turned into Tom's shoulder looking away. "A dead rat. With a rose. What the hell would that mean?" Tom asked. He put the box back on the lid. I turned the envelope over to open it but then read the writing. "Open when alone." Tom grabbed the envelope. He started to open it but I took it from his hands. "It says for me to open it." I said. "Someone sent you a fucking dead rat in a box. Your fucking insane if you think I'm letting you open that letter anywhere that's not in-front of me." 

I opened the letter. Keeping the contents of it out of his sight. The letter read:

Keep away from the heir. For beware your enemies. You may not tamper with the future. For what happened in the past. There once was a friend. But he was a rat. Watch yourself snake. For you may have a rat among you.

"We need to get everyone here. Now." I said.


"For you may have a rat among you." I finished reading. "Who would send you that letter?" Astoria asked concerned. I put the box in front of them and opened the lid. "Oh my god." Pansy said. While they examined the box I reread the note. "Keep away from the heir." I said. "Why are you repeating it?" Blaise asked. I pulled out a notebook and sat down on the bed. "Thinking of Ron's second year. Heir. That would be Tom." I wrote it down and circled it. Connecting them together with lines. "Rat and friend. Peter Pettigrew. Harry's third year. Ron's rat was Peter. He also worked for Voldemort." I wrote that down as well. "I'm still lost." Daphne says. "Just wait it'll all make sense. Snake. Meaning Slytherin. Past. The wizarding war. Future. Meaning there may be another." I wrote it all down and connected it to the middle. "Who do we know that all of things could connect to." 

"The Dark Lord." Draco mumbled. I wrote down Voldemort's name in the middle. "So he sent it?" Pansy asked. "Not Voldemort. Someone close to both Tom and Mattheo." I wrote down Bellatrix's name as well. "Of course she would do that." Mattheo said. "Yes but the question remains, is she doing this to scare Grace away or is this a warning from your father?" Draco asked. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was both." Tom said. "Maybe I should just take the warning." I muttered. They obviously heard cause all there heads turned to me. Astoria walked over. "Don't say that. We both you Grace. You won't let someth- someone go that easy." She said sitting next to me. "But I-"

"No buts, we're gonna figure this out. And until then we just need to watch out. And keep a closer eye on both of their parents." Pansy said. "Well they did want us to come home in a couple of weeks. Maybe we take Grace with us. See how they react. And then we'll know if they sent the rat or if someone is just trying to prank her." Mattheo said. A prank? "I swear to-"


"Did you boys send this?" I asked Fred and George as I entered their room. "No. Why what is it?" Fred asked. I explained everything to them. "We didn't send it." George said. I could tell he was telling me the truth. He wouldn't lie to me. "Okay. Thanks." I headed out and back to my dorm. Tom was leaning against the wall reading. The girls were playing a marble game. Draco, Blaise, and Mattheo were talking. This should be fun. I slammed the door making everyone jump but Tom. "Bloody hell Grace." Blaise said. "What. It was funny." I said walking to sit with the girls. "So?" Pansy asked me. "They didn't send it." I said. "So Bellatrix sent it." Draco said. 

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