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When I woke up Tom wasn't in the room. But there was a note.

I'm sorry I'm not gonna be there when you wake up. Mattheo needed me for something regarding family. I'll see you sometime in the afternoon.

I got up and changed back into my clothes from last night and walked to my room. Astoria was sleeping in her bed. Pansy was in mine. Daphne had must've been in my bed and fallen on the floor. You know what payback's a bitch. "Girls!" They all jumped up. "Bloody hell. You can't do that." Daphne said rubbing her eyes. "That's what you get for teasing me yesterday." I walked more into the room. "Looking by your neck you got some action last night." Pansy said. "Some is one word for it." I smirked. "Grace Elizabeth Weasley!" Astoria said. "I'm proud of you. So how is he in bed?" Pansy said then asked. 

"Do not answer that please." Mattheo said walking in. "You boys love to spy." Daphne says. Mattheo helped her up. "I don't need to be knowing about my brother's sex life. And we weren't spying." He said. "There's a thing called knocking." Pansy said. I laughed. "You look at your neck yet. I wouldn't be laughing. Good luck covering those." I went into the bathroom. "3 2 1" 

"TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE." I yelled. "Called it." I can hear Pansy say. I walked out. "Glad you find this amusing." I said. "Very." She said. "How was your nights?" I asked sitting down trying to cover my neck with makeup. There had to be at least six on each side. If not more. "I had a make out session with some random guy." Daphne says. "He was a Ravenclaw. And he was hot. I may think about seeing him again."

"I just got drunk and stayed with Draco." Astoria says getting up and kissing him. "As always." Pansy said. "I had sex with a random guy. I wasn't satisfied." She finished. "So Grace had the most interesting night?" Daphne asked. "Is the world ending?" I threw a pillow that was on the floor at her. "You have to tell us everything." Astoria says. "Also let me help. I have experience hiding these." She takes the makeup and does my neck for me. "Maybe not everything." I said.

"No secrets. It's how we all work in this group. When we all had our first time we told each-other everything. Every detail. So far Astoria's was the sweetest. Daphne's was okay but not really interesting. And mine was the hottest." Pansy said. "I don't know about the Pansy. With these marks Grace may get that title." Astoria says. "Oh please. That's if she's remembers it well enough to tell."

"Hard to forget." I said. Daphne laughed. And Astoria smiled. "We can leave if you want. Cause personally we don't wanna hear this." Blaise said. "She'll tell us later." Astoria said setting down the makeup. "Done." I looked in the mirror. "Well I look normal again so thank you." My neck did look normal. Way better than before. "Of course. Now Daphne back to this Ravenclaw boy. Would mum and dad approve of him?"

"What does that matter?" I asked. "None of us can date people our parents don't approve of. We're Slytherins who come from rich families. Who we date is important. Like we could never date a muggle. Even dating someone who is associated with muggles and our parent's would flip." She gave me a look once she realized what she said. "Grace she means-"

"I know what she means. You guys have standards. And you rules you have to follow when it comes to stuff like that. I'm gonna shower and change out of this dress then I have to redo my makeup on my neck." I said. "Why would you say?" Mattheo asked her as I walked over to my dresser. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that. But you know I'm right. Look at who she would have to convince to date Tom. Your father would go crazy." She said. "She can hear you two." Draco said. Astoria walked over. "Grace."

"I know." I keep eye contact with her knowing they were all looking. "I know it'll never work. I was stupid to think things could be different." I walked out. "Grace!" I heard Daphne call but I ignored it and ran out of the Slytherin common room. I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry." I said. "It's okay. You look awfully sad. Is everything alright?" The boy asked me. "Yeah I-" I looked to see a Gryffindor tie. "Can you help me get into the gryffindor common room. I need to see my brother." I saw the group turn the corner. "Yeah sure." He said. "Thanks." 

We hurried to away from that area. Of course they came looking for me. "Wanna tell me why we had to practically run away from the area?" I looked at the boy. "Sorry. I have some friends I'm not talking to currently and there looking for me so I wanted to get away from the area." He didn't ask me any more questions. We reached the common room and I thanked him before running to Fred and George's room. "Sis what are you doing here?" Fred asked. "I need help."

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