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We ate dinner and walked around for a little to admire the lights before heading back to the dorm. I took a quick shower and got ready for bed. I don't know if Tom was planning on coming over or not and personally I don't know if I wanted him to or not. 

"Love?" That word just hits a different part of me now. "Tom. What are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh sorry if I'm bothering you I can leave." He said. "No it's okay. I was just getting ready for bed." I said.


"I had a rough night." Pansy says sitting down at the table. "And what caused such a "rough night?" Astoria asks. "Studying for this stupid potions exam." I dropped the apple I was about to pick up and turned to Astoria. "Shit." She had the same expression. "We got so caught up last night, completely forgot." She said. "We heard." Mattheo says. "Speak for yourself. I don't even remember the last time I had sex." I said. Everyone went quiet and looked at me. "Don't give me that look. And talk to him, he at least opens up to you guys." I grabbed an apple and my bag and walked away. 

Astoria's POV

"What is she talking about?" Daphne asked. "It's a long story." I looked at Draco and Tom and they nodded. "We'll see you guys in class." I said and the three of us walked out. "I thought you fixed things with her last night?" Draco asked. "When I got to her dorm she was getting ready for bed and said she was tired and that we would talk in the morning. This is the first time I'm seeing her. She didn't want me coming to the dorm. She said she would come to me." Tom said. "How can we fix?" I asked. "You know her best." Draco said. "You have to apologize. Find some way. Any way." I said. "I know." He replied. 

"We gotta get to class." I said. 

Grace's POV 

I was sitting in class trying to get some fucking studying done. I had managed to avoid Tom and the others in my other classes. Last class of the day luckily. Except one problem. I had to sit next to Tom. And Snape isn't exactly the understanding type. I sat down and Astoria poked me with her quill from behind. "You okay?" She asked. "I'm fine. I just wanna get this class over with." I said and turned back around. We started the exam and I saw Tom writing something although it wasn't on the exam paper.

He looked and Snape wasn't looking. He handed the paper to Draco and looked at me before returning to his exam. "Tom..."

"Do the exam Grace." He whispered. I looked back and Draco who looked at me and gave a sad smile. Astoria gave me a pity look. What the actual fuck was going on besides what I knew. I got up and walked out. I'm sure Snape wouldn't be to happy. I found George who was of course with Fred skipping. Or they must've just not had a class. "Hey sis." Fred said. I fell into George's chest and started crying. He hugged me. "What class does she have?" Fred asked him. "Snape." He answered. "I'll let him know and grab her stuff. Your better with this part." He said and left

Tom's POV

One of the Weasley twins walked in. Snape rushed over. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I wanted to tell you where Grace was cause I know she has your class and to ask if I can grab her things." The rest was mostly muffled. Me, Draco and Astoria had finished our exams and now we were just sitting and whispering. Mostly everyone had finished but a few were still working. He walked over. "Fred where is she?" Astoria asked. "Don't worry about it. She doesn't wanna she you guys right now." He said. "Weasley?" 

He grabbed her bag and looked at me. "She's safe. I promise." He walked out with her stuff. We debated on following but Snape would've had a field day if we day. We waited until class was over and went to Grace's and Astoria's dorm. "Her books are gone." I said. Astoria walked over and went to look threw some of her things. "Clothes and her daily things are missing too." She said. "Well not everything is which is a good sign. She'll have to come back eventually." Draco said. 

"She could send her brothers though." Astoria said. There was a paper on her pillow. I walked over and grabbed it. 

Dear Tom,

I'm sorry. I know you have a lot going on right now. And I'm sorry you can't open up to me. I'm trying to be understanding but it's just leading to other thoughts. I just need time away to think. I promise I'm safe and I'll be back soon. Although I don't expect you to wait. I'll see you soon. And tell everyone else I'm sorry for leaving and ignoring them. 

Love, Grace. 

I folded the paper back up. "Tom."  Astoria said. Me and Draco looked at her. She held up Grace's necklace. The necklace. I walked over and she handed it to me. I grabbed it and walked out to the Gryffindor common room. Never wanted to step foot in there but...


A kid let me in. I went to Fred and George's dorm. "What the hell... Riddle." George said. I might've knocked a little to hard. "Is she here?" I asked. "Doesn't matter. She doesn't wanna see you right now." He said. "Weasley now is not the time to play fucking games with my patience. Is. She. Here?" 

"Tom." He looked behind the door and back at me. "Give her time." He said. Told me all I needed to know. She was in that fucking room. I held up the necklace and pulled the note out. I handed it to him. "George you tell me. Does that or does that not sound like a breakup to you?" I asked him. 

"You know that's not what she's trying to do." He said. "I know. And I will fucking wait as long as need till she's ready to talk. I just need to know where we stand relationship wise." He sighed. "She's still your girlfriend. Don't doubt that until she tells you otherwise." He said.

I walked away and back to my dorm. 

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