2. Just a regular Day

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9 am

Matteo was awaken by Iryna "(sleepy..it's time to get up. You have 'school' darling..)" she cooed in his ear as she gently shook him. Matteo did a little grunt and squeezed his eyes shut "(n-nooo..)" he said as he turned on his side. Iryna shook her head as she looked down on the sleeping child. Matteo wasn't a morning kid, he loved his sleep but then again he hated when he had to be put down for a nap. "Come on teo me and your sister made breakfast. It's french toast." She spoke as she looked down at him.

Matteo slowly opened his eyes and turned over to look at her. "There's my sleepy boy" She spoke out as she then picked him up and sat him on the bed. Matteo did a yawn and looked at her "morning mama.." Matteo said tiredly with a smile. "Morning baby Teo. Now go on before your food gets cold" she said as she then put him down on the ground. Matteo nodded and waddled over to the table, he knew his older siblings where already off at school. Matteo did smell the nice French Toast that his mother said was there. He smiled as he seen his plate, he then looked over and saw his mother going over to sit next to him.

Matteo smiled at his mother before he slowly started to eat his food. His food was already cut up in bite sized pieces, he knew who cut them up. Wanda would always cut up his French Toast for him since she would always help him out. Even when he didn't use any utensils, only his hands. "Mama? Will sissy and bubby pick me up at scwool?" Matteo asked. Iryna nodded and sat next to him "Yes baby. Like they always do. Now come on eat up. I have to go to work." She stated as she went up and got Matteos things ready for when he is done. "Ok mama!" Matteo stated as he then started to finish up his breakfast.

When Matteo got done he walked over to where he seen his mother put down a fresh pair of new clothes. Matteos clothes where hand me downs from Pietro so the clothes where a bit big on him. When Matteo started to get done putting on his shirt along with a hoodie, with long khaki pants. "Teo! Come on! Let me help you put your shoes on Baby!" His mother called out from the door. "Otay mama!" Matteo shouted as he ran over to his mother. Iryna smiled at him "there's my baby boy. Now come on let's put your shoes on." She stated as she then helped her son put his shoes on. When she got done putting his shoes on she kissed the top of his head "there you are baby. Your ready for the day!" She stated. Matteo smiled at her "yeah! I'm rweady!" Matteo blurted out. They both then left the apartment.

On the little walk to Matteos day care Iryna stopped at a little store. Matteo held onto his mother's side of her jacket and followed her. The young boy wasn't that much of a wandering kid he would stick close with either his siblings or mother or father. While they walked through the store Iryna stopped by the little jewelry section. She smiled when she seen a little necklace that could suit her baby boy and daughter. Matteo didn't know what she was doing so he just kinda looked around the store and watched as sketchy people and regular people walk by them. He then started to hum a song he heard on the radio that was playing in the background. Matteo didn't know how long the time had passed but he was tapped out of his trance. "(Teo come let's get going.)" Iryna stated as she then started to walk with Matteo. "(Otay mama.)" Matteo said as he then started follow along side his mother.

When they finally arrived to the old small day care Iryna walked Matteo inside. "(Oh! Hello Iyrna! Hello to you too Young Matteo!)" They young woman at the desk said. "(Hello Sofia.)" Iryna said with a smile. "(Dropping off Matteo again?)" Sofia asked as she smiled at them. Matteo looked up at both of the adults and looked past them to see his friends Arlo and Grace. "(Yeah just like usual. And the twins will pick him up again later today.)" Iryna stated as she started to fill out a little form she usually fills out. "(Ok got it. Come on Matteo.)" Sofia stated as she opened the small little gated door to lead him to where the other kids are. Matteo looked up at his mother before he smiled, Iryna smiled down at him before she hugged and kissed the top of his head. "(Be good my baby Teo. I'll see you later today. Have fun!)" his mother stated. Matteo nodded "(otay mama! Love you! Bye!)" Matteo said as he then followed Sofia into the room. Iryna smiled then left off to go head off to work.

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