46. The Snap

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As Matteo was leaning against the wall playing with his wisps he grew bored again. He wanted to look out the window but he didn't want to make Wanda mad. So he sat in the corner and watched as Shuri operate on Vision.

Matteo watched as Wanda stood by Visions side as he got operated on. Matteo looked over at Shuri and seen her use a lot of technology skills. He tilted his head a bit before he looked down at his hands. Matteo just started down at them before he felt a bit of head pain. "H-Hm.." Matteo hummed out a bit which got Wanda's attention. Wanda looked over and seen Matteo staring down at his hands, she furrowed her eyebrows a bit before she soon looked back at Vision. As soon as Matteo felt the head pain go away he felt himself in a new atmosphere.

He looked up and seen he was in a dark room again. "O-oh no.." Matteo said in a scared voice. "M-mama?.. MAMA?!.." Matteo called out. "Your mama isn't here Monster." A voice blurted out. Matteo's blood ran cold, he soon turned around and seen the person he wished to never see again. Junior smiled wickedly "oh come on. Don't give me that look. Like I said before your never going to get rid of me. I'll always be here within you. You fucking monster." Junior blurted out. "Leave me alone.." Matteo said shakily. "How about no." Junior stated. He then walked around Matteo, he soon grabbed Matteo by his chin. "Face it. After Whats going on out there. You need me. You need our power! The same power that you had when we killed Malik." Junior said into his ear. Matteo moved his head away from Junior and trembled "no!" Matteo blurted out.

Junior grinned his teeth before he did a little smirk. "Well. If you had our power you could have saved your brother. Your mama and papa." Junior went on. Matteo felt tears in his eyes, he soon looked down at his hands before he clinched them. "You will save your mama. Your new family. You will then finally get rid of me once in for all. Just let me in." Junior went on. Matteo trembled before he shook his head "no!..No. NO! I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Matteo yelled out before he blasted Junior again. "I.. w-will come back again.." Junior coughed out before he disappeared. Matteo opened his eyes and gasped for air, he soon looked around and saw that he was back again. He seen Wanda look at him with a worried look before they both turned their attention to Shuri.

"I've barely begun Brother." Shuri blurted out. Matteo trembled as he seen her work, he then looked down at his hands and seen that they where shaking. Matteo soon felt the familiar head pain, he did a little grunt before he looked over and seen that Vision was getting the stone out of his head a bit. Wanda looked over at matteo before she looked down at vision, she then quickly went over to Matteo's side. "Bubba. You ok? What's wrong?" Wanda asked as she soon brought matteo into her grasp. "P-pain..in my h-head.." matteo said shakily. Wanda furrowed her eyebrows before she raised her hand to Matteo's temple. "(Guppy..I'm gonna ease the pain ok? Just relax.)" Wanda cooed as she soon used her wisps. Matteo relaxed and soon started to feel Wanda ease the head pain, He then fully relaxed into Wanda touch and felt her take the pain away. Right as Wanda was done she smiled down at Matteo "better?" She asked. Matteo nodded and soon looked back up at Wanda. "Good." She smiled before she soon kissed Matteo's cheek and put their foreheads together. Matteo smiled before he felt Wanda pull away "I'll be back. Ok?" She said before she soon got up and went back over to visions side. Matteo did a little nod before he soon leaned up against the wall again.

As Matteo sat there for a couple of minutes he soon started to hear voices. Matteo looked over at Shuri and seen that she looked worried, he soon started to hear his families eager voices. "There's to many of them!" "I can't hold them!" He heard. Before he knew it he seen a flash come from outside, Matteo quickly got up and ran over to the window. He watched as the big flash started to strike lightning aswell, he smiled before he soon watched as groups of people and everything start to fall and go back to fight again. "Woah.." Matteo said quietly. He then watched a bit more, he seen thunder clouds and lighting go around and then strike the ground again.

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