60. Under A Witches Control

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2 days later
January 2nd 2023

Matteo was sitting in the living room reading a simple spell book Agatha got for him. As he was reading it he got bored of it and soon started to play with his white little wisps. He didn't know why but he felt comforted by them, he also felt as if he was somewhat connected with someone or something, but he just didn't know what.

"Matteo." Agatha called out as she was walking down the stairs from her coming from her room. Matteo stopped using his wisps and looked at her. "Yes?" He asked as he looked up from the spell book. "You actually reading the spells? A sorcerer like you needs to get your knowledge." Agatha stated as she soon walked into the kitchen. Matteo rolled his eyes before he got up from the couch and slowly walked behind her.

"Agatha?" He asked as he leaned his support on the counter. "Yes hun?" she asked as she started to make herself some tea. "Um.. Why don't I remember anything from when I was alive? How did I die? Why can't I go outside and play with other kids?" Matteo asked. Little did the boy know he was being hidden away since he was dead for a year, and also he was now under Agatha's control. Agatha did a sigh before she took a sip of her tea she just made.

"Matteo. I told you. The world is a dangerous place right now. The people that are out there are scary right now. Plus I told you that you will be able to play when we move. Okay? Just right now you, My little sorcerer still need rest. You need to get your strength back again." Agatha stated as she walked over to help Matteo go and sit back down on the couch again. Right as Matteo got settled down on the couch he looked at the book of spells and sighed. Agatha did a small sigh "what is it?" She asked the boy. "Why are you making me do all this?.." he asked quietly before he looked up at her sitting at her chair.

"Because. You are a sorcerer. In fact in the book im reading there's a chapter detected to you and your sister." Agatha said before she soon coughed realizing what she said. "I have a sister? Where is she now?" Matteo asked as he was now intrigued. Agatha mentally slapped herself "yes. You have a sister but she is gone. For now. And plus you won't remember her anyways after this chat" Agatha stated before she soon waved her hand around and before Matteo knew it he completely forgot about him having the conversation. "Wait. Why am I doing this reading again.. I don't see why I'm a sorcerer." Matteo stated. Agatha sighed in relief "You are a sorcerer. In fact one in training that is. Since your magic isn't fully back yet after I revived you." She stated. Matteo did a little side frown "this is to much.. but I guess I'll continue reading since I'll become a good sorcerer." Matteo said before he dug his head back into the spell book. Agatha smiled at him before she just went ahead to enjoy the silence of the home while Matteo reads.

1 hour later
11:19 am

Matteo was down in the basement with Agatha. Matteo was doing some simple hand movements blasting jars off the table just doing aiming. Agatha was surprised when she realized that Matteo's healing was fast. So she decided to go ahead and just have him practice his aiming and balancing again for his wisps.

Right as Matteo shot the last jar off the table he soon got in a familiar position and soon closed his eyes. The boy then used his white wisps to pick up all the jars and set them all on the table without any complications. Right as he opens his eyes he got startled by Agatha clapping her hands. "Well done Mattie. You did great" Agatha praised him before she went over to her little corner next to a book that seemed to creep Matteo out.

As Matteo was watching her he soon got startled by her again "okay we are done here. You can go back up and go watch tv. You deserve it" Agatha said as she soon shooed him away. "B-but" Matteo was about to complain but he was shooed out. "Nope! Out!" Agatha said as she waved her hand at him. Matteo huffed before he soon started to walk off back upstairs. Right at he got upstairs he yelped right when the door shut behind him. He soon turned around to see the door was now seemingly locked as well. "Hm.. (rude)" he said under his breath before he went to go to the couch to watch some tv. Right as he sat down on the couch he then realized that he spoke a different language. 'How did I speak that? What the heck?' He thought to himself before he shook the thoughts away and just turned on the tv.

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