15. Safe House

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2 hours later

Matteo was wide awake from a good nap. Even though he remembered the fight that went down with him and his siblings that led him to his nightmare. Matteo was fully aware of everyone but he knew that they where all cautious of him and alert by him.

All Matteo did for the past 5 minutes while everyone situated for landing was sit in the seat. He just had flashes of his nightmare that Wanda showed him pop up every time. All he could do was try to block it out by dazing off and hear the chatter of everyone in the quinjet. Matteo knew it was early morning since he seen the early morning sunshine shine through the window. So he knew wherever they where going Nat was going to have a full on sit down talk with him, and he wasnt ready for it.

"Hey bug. We are leaving now. Come on let's go." Nat said as she brought Matteo out of his trance. Matteo looked up at her before he got up slowly and followed behind her and the rest of the crew. Matteo walked behind Nat who was holding Nat for extra support while the others chatted behind him while following. Matteo looked at the outside of the safe house and looked around. He noticed how it looked more like a home, he then felt the breeze of the morning wind brush against his face. He stopped walking and looked around at the landscape, he didn't know why but it brought him at ease and he didn't have a single harmful thought come across him.

The only thing that came across him was him and the fresh morning breeze and wilderness. The only thing that made matteo tear up was the fact that he now was alone. Even though he knew his siblings where ok, he just felt as if he was now a burden to the Avengers and to his siblings. He then looked down at his hands remembering his talk with Wanda 2 years ago. Matteo didn't do nothing all he did was put his hands in pockets of his shorts and do a little shiver, he did the stupid thing to leave his jacket in the quinjet so he practically was freezing.

As Matteo was outside having his own time to think to himself he was startled by a hand ruffling his shirt hair. "Hey kid." Was all the familiar voice said. Matteo jumped a bit before he looked up to see Clint. "H-hi.." Matteo stuttered before he looked away from him. Clint and Nat noticed the young boys disappearance when they entered the house, Nat was about to go grab him but Clint insisted. "Hey. I'm pretty sure Nat wants you inside instead of being out here. It's a bit chilly. Plus there are a few people who would love to meet you bud." Clint said as he looked down at the fragile Maximoff.

Matteo looked up at him with a little confused look, he thought it was only them. "N-new people?.." he asked before he heard a couple of young voices come from the house. "Yeah. I have a Son who's a bit older than you and A Daughter who's exactly your age. What do you say? I'm pretty sure they would love to get to know you." Clint said to try to let the boy get a bit more comfortable. "O-otay.." he said quietly before he looked up at a smiling Clint. Clint then walked inside while Matteo was following behind him.

"Daddy!" A young girls voice blurted out as Matteo walked in the house behind Clint. Matteo watched as a boy and girl run up to Clint attacking him with hugs. "Hey bud!" Clint said as he hugged and kissed his son. "Did you bring Auntie Nat??" The girl said before she looked up at Clint. Nat smiled as she showed herself that was hiding behind the men "why don't you hug her and find out?" She said as the girl ran and hugged her. Matteo looked over at the kids before he found himself standing awkwardly in between Tony and Thor.

Matteo was just observing everything happening in the room, he was somewhat listening in on everyone before he felt eyes on him. "I know who you guys are. Well besides you." A woman's voice said as Matteo finally looked up and seen a pregnant woman looking at Matteo. Matteo swallowed the lump in his throat before Clint piped up "Laura this is Matteo. Matteo this is Laura." Clint said before he whispered something into his wife's ear. Laura nodded before she walked over to Matteo "Hi sweetie. It's nice to meet you. You hungry? I just made breakfast. Would you like to come eat with me while the others get situated?" Laura asked. Matteo nodded a shyly before he followed Laura to the kitchen.

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