10. The Avengers

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2 years later recap

Everything seemed to be going fine with Matteo for the past 2 years. Even though he's been trapped in that hydra base for the past 4 years, but for him he was happy only because he has his brother and sister. But throughout those 2 years in that hydra base he's been alone with the guards and Strucker at least 2-5 times a month. They tormented his sweet innocent mind to thinking the Avengers where the bad guys and how Tony Stark killed his parents. He knew all about the bombing that wiped out his parents and his home. But poor little Matteo didn't remember anything about that day, besides the part where he fell through the floor. Other than that everything was gone as he got older.

One day when him and Strucker along with the guard that beats him endlessly where talking about it. He didn't remember anything besides him falling and the name 'Stark' that was in white ink on the bomb that was infront of his face. After that talk with those two he gotten a lot of talks about how bad the Avengers where. And later that day when he was alone in the room he shared with his older siblings he tried to remember more about his life before now. But as he tried to remember he couldn't, he didn't even remember how his mother or father looked like and this really upset Matteo. So he kept that away from the twins.

But besides the beatings and talks he was fine and healthy. Wanda and Pietro as they both got older as well they have been more on the training side of getting their powers stronger and keeping Matteo safe. Even though they knew Matteo was alone in the room for about 3 hours 4 times a day. One of them would always stay with him. Pietro would help him with his english and talk about fun times they used to have, he also gives Matteo clothes since he is aloud to leave to get some things. Pietro also shows Matteo his small picture that remains of their family everyday. He helps Matteo out with some combat skills as well, making sure he could protect himself. Pietro has stepped in as a father to Matteo but he just wants to make sure he stays safe just like Wanda.

Now Wanda, she's been very overprotective of Matteo throughout the 2 years. She's been making sure Matteo eats 3 times a day, naps, sleeps, and is over all healthy and safe. Wanda has really stepped in as a mother for Matteo and even Pietro. But Pietro knows better and knows how Wanda has always been like this since they where young. But Wanda has been helping Matteo out with Pietro with his English. And along with the magic they share. Wanda always seems to be upset about how Matteo would block her out of his mind ever since he controlled how to do that when he turned 7. She knows he's hiding things from them but she won't push it. But other than that the twins have been acting more like parents to Matteo. They also found out about Matteo getting beatings when they both aren't with Matteo once a month.

That didn't sit well with them but they couldn't do anything about it. All they could do was get Matteo feeling better and healed. They also have been helping him out with nightmares he has seem to be getting every once in a while. Wanda would try to look in his mind but of course he would block her out. She would try her best to give him good dreams but it would work for most the night before he wakes up again.


Matteo was walking through the hallway back to his room. He had gotten a beating from the guard again, he was slowly making his way but stopped when alarms started going off. Matteo's eyes widened a bit before he looked around scared "(w-what the..?)" he said to himself. He then heard the overcome come on "We are Under attack! We are Under attack!" He then felt the ground rumble along with yelling and guns shooting. He got scared and start to run down the hallway quickly towards the room.

Right when he got to his room he shared with the twins, it came out to be empty. "(Sissy! Bubby!!..)" Matteo called out before he felt the ground shook. He knew one other place they would be, so he then started to run over to the main control room. As he was running down the hallway the ground shook harshly, making Matteo fall to the ground as the glass window broke. On impact as he fell he cut open his forehead, he also had some small bruises and cuts here and there from his beating but he didn't feel the pain he was to scared to feel it. Right when Matteo got up he teared up and sniffled, he then ran to were his brother and sister where.

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