23. New Powers

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4 months later

Throughout the 4 months that Matteo was recovering. He stayed with Nat in her room for about a month to get up on his feet again and not have anymore traumatizing nightmares. And thanks to Nat Matteo was able to be social again with the other Avengers. But Wanda has still yet to even face Matteo.

When they are all sitting together during dinner Wanda is always either looking away from Matteo or talking with the others as if he never existed. And that really hurt Matteo deep down. He would sometimes remember that day when she yelled at him through the door. He even blocked her out of his mind if she ever tried to look in his mind.

But other than that Eli would catch up on things that a normal 8 year old should know and do in the US. Matteo was introduced to Legos and movies by Steve, Nat and Clint. Most of the toys came from Clint since he's a father of now 3 kids. Matteo even went over to spend the week with Lila and Cooper during the 4 months. When Matteo found out that Clint's child was named after Pietro all he did was smile and have a little sad but happy reminder of Pietro.

But other than that Matteo seems to be healthy physically and somewhat mentally now, he wasn't fully recovered from all the traumatizing things that happened but he's still getting by. The only thing that ever changed was that Matteo's height still stayed the same, he still looks like he is 6 or 7 years old with his height. But it made it easier for Nat and everyone in the compound to pick up Matteo to bring him to bed every night. But other than that Matteo's hair was now starting to grow in again. Ever since the avengers saved him from hydra he was never able to grow his hair out. But now his hair looks like Pietros, and by that Matteo's hair was now getting somewhat longer and had the same curly yet wavy look to his hair.


Matteo was in the training room with Vision and surprisingly Wanda. Matteo was in the corner of the room doing his usual moving metal containers from one side of the room to another, so he could get a better grasp on his magic just like he seen Wanda do in Sokovia. Matteo would just stand there and think it's boring but according to Tony this only helps him get better at moving heavy things for his tiny 8 year old self. So he listened to him and just continued to move the metal containers.

As Matteo was controlling his magic he felt that same yet weird tingling going on. As soon as he knew it the young boy was quick and moved out of the way by like 4 steps. Right as he did so he seen a power of red energy go blasting into the wall. Matteo's eyes widened a bit before he looked over and seen Wanda and Vision with wide eyes. "you almost hit me.." Matteo said quietly. "Matteo.." Wanda spoke out. "NO! DONT!.. AFTER ALL THESE MONTHS OF YOU NOT TALKING TO ME YOU ALMOST BLAST ME!" Matteo blurted out as he felt his anger get the best of him, which made his eyes start to glow gold. Wanda rolled her eyes and now started to walk away.

This is what really set Matteo off "oh now your going to ignore me! You know I'm your brother too! Not only Pietro Wanda!" Matteo spat out with a hint of venom in his voice. This is what made Wanda turn her head over to Matteo with a scoff "you know. How does it feel?"Wanda asked. Matteo looked at her confused "What are you talking about?" Matteo asked as he watched Wanda's facial features changed. Wanda just started to laugh a bit "Wow! You don't know what you did. Let me tell you then! How did it feel to have Pietro Save you before he went over to go and Save Clint?" Wanda asked as she slowly walked over to Matteo.

"H-he never saved me.." Matteo thought for a moment before he remembered that day when he saw Pietro die in front of him. "Oh but he did." Wanda said as he was now 3 feet away from Matteo looking down at him. "How do you know?! You where never there! You where in the church!" Matteo blurted out. "I looked in your mind when you passed out from blood loss in your arm. I wanted to see what happened." Wanda stated as he looked at Matteo in his eyes. Matteo's eyes glowed gold a bit before he felt the energy in his palms "you looked in my head!" Matteo blurted out. "Well I wanted to see what happened! And from what I saw Pietro pushed you out of the way before going to save Clint and that boy! Maybe if wouldn't have saved you then he would still be alive!" Wanda blurted out.

Matteo threw the energy at Wanda but to his surprise Wanda caught the energy ball and turned it as her own. Matteo backed away from her a bit before he watched her eyes glow red a bit before she tilted her head. "YOU KNOW WHAT! I WISH I WAS NEVER BORN! MAYBE BECAUSE I WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN PUT THROUGH THE MESS OF YOU AND PIETRO PUTTING ME THROUGH THAT TORTURE AT HYDRA! I CANT EVEN REMEMBER HOW MAMA AND PAPA LOOK! BECAUSE ALL I REMEMBER IS THE TORTURE OF HYDRA AND ALL THE PAIN THEY PUT ME THROUGH! I HATE YOU WANDA!" Matteo yelled out as his eyes began to sting with up coming tears.

Wanda dropped her energy ball and her glowing eyes faded. "OH YEAH?! WELL ME AND PIETRO WHERE JUST FINE BEFORE YOU WHERE BORN! AND EVEN WHEN HYDRA TOOK YOU AWAY! DID YOU REALLY THINK I WANTED TO STEP IN AS A MOTHER FOR YOU WHEN I WAS 13?! YOU ARE THE MAIN REASON WHY PIETRO IS DEAD! I WISH IT WAS YOU THAT WOULD HAVE DIED INSTEAD OF HIM!" Wanda spat out as she then took a breath. Matteo stood there shocked at what Wanda said, his vision began to get blurry from the tears. It wasn't tears of Sadness it was Pure Anger with a hint of pain. Wanda then realized what she said and did a small gasp, she then covered her mouth before she looked over at Matteo. Matteo looked at her with the same broken look he gave her when the bombing happened.

"M-Matteo I-I'm sorry.. I-I-" Wanda tried to take back what she said before Matteo cut her off. "DONT! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE! YOU N-NEVER WANTED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE! I-ILL GO AND LEAVE L-LIKE YOU WANTED IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Matteo yelled out as he ran past Wanda and a stunned Vision. "MATTEO!" Wanda was about to run after him but Wanda was stopped by Vision. "Don't. Let him be. You seemed to have done enough already. I'll go check on him or Nat, since you two where quite loud." Vision stated as he then let go of Wanda. Wanda did a sigh before she shook her head and started to go head to her room.

As Matteo was running he ran outside the compound and kept running. As he was running he had tears stream down his face, then all of the sudden in a blink of an eye Matteo started to run really fast. As Matteo was running he left a trail of gold and white behind him. Right when Matteo tried to stop he ran straight into a tree knocking him off his feet. "O-ow!.." Matteo said with a hiss. As Matteo felt the warm liquid roll down the side of his forehead and down his nose he looked around and saw that he was in the woods. Matteo got up before he turned around to see where the compound was, but he didn't see anything besides more trees.

All Matteo did was do a loud side and drop back in his bottom and leaned against the tree. He then thought to himself before he looked down at the palms of his hands and down at his feet. "Do I have more powers?..wait!.." Matteo talking to himself be fore he got up. As Matteo was about to run back where he first came he wiped his tears away and took a deep breath. "Ok..let's do this." Is all what Matteo said and as soon as he knew it he took off speeding his way back to the compound. Right as Matteo knew he was at the compound he ran straight into the walls of the compound. That's when Matteo fell and felt more blood trickle down his head and nose. Matteo didn't seem to really care about the blood or pain right now all he cared about was that he had super speed just like Pietro, his older brother.

All Matteo did was stand up on his feet quickly and smiled brightly. "WOAH!" He blurted out then all of the sudden Nat came running out. "OH MY GOD!" Was all she said when she ran to Matteo and cupped his cheeks. "Are you ok?! Your bleeding!" Nat stated as she didn't want to bring anything up from what she heard from Wanda and His fight. "Natty! I'm ok! But I have super speed like Bubby did!! And a weird tingly sense when I'm about to get hurt!!" Matteo blurted out in excitement. All Nat did was sigh out of relief before he picked Matteo up. "Well let's get you to Tony to get your injuries fixed up. And we will definitely work on your powers later one now. Let's go before you start to feel the pain." Nat stated as she walked back into eh compound with Matteo in her arms.

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