18. The Vision

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A couple of hours later

Matteo is sitting down in the lab with Bruce in The Tower. They've been in the tower for about 6 hours. Matteo has been somewhat helping Bruce out with his projects, the young Maximoff boy seems to be entertained by the small little experiments he's been doing while everyone was out doing a mission. Everyone didn't tell him what kind of mission they where doing but Matteo knew it had to deal with Ultron and his siblings. He honestly wanted to help but he knew Nat wouldn't let him nor anyone else. So he just stayed with Bruce.

"M-Mr Bwuce? What are you doing now?" Matteo asked as he notice Bruce now moving things around. "Oh. Well Nat, Clint and Steve are getting something and I'm pretty sure they are coming here with it. So I'm preparing for that thing to arrive. Also Tony should be here any minute to help out." Bruce said as he moved some more things out of the way. "Oh.. ok.. wait? What t-ting?" Matteo asked. Right as Bruce was about to answer him Tony walked in and answered for him. "That something's is called the cradle. And me and Bruce are going to do our thing to stop it from ultron." Tony said. Matteo looked at him like he was speaking gibberish "o-ok?" Matteo said as he then went ahead and started to get up to go over to the part of the lab Nat set up for him. Bruce chuckled to himself before Tony looked over at him and glared. Bruce then stopped and continued to clean up, Tony then rolled his eyes and just went ahead to help Bruce.

As Matteo went to the table he sat down and seen paper and crayons on the table. Matteo smiled a bit before he went ahead and started to go ahead and draw and color something for both Wanda and Pietro. He started to draw a dinosaur for Pietro, he made the Dino very colorful. Matteo smiled to himself before he then thought of something, he then drew a small dinosaur next to it. Right when Matteo got done coloring both the dinosaurs he smiled. "(Bubby will like this Dinos!)" He said quietly before he then pushed the drawing aside and decided to get started on Wanda's drawing. Matteo was drawing a butterfly for Wanda, he didn't know anything to draw so he then drew it with flowers. The young boy smiled before he then started to go ahead and start to go and color in the picture.

Right as Matteo got started on coloring in the picture he heard Clint's voice. Matteo looked up and seen Clint bring in a long box. Matteo got a bit confused about it but he then remembered that Nat should be here if Clint's here. So Matteo stopped his coloring and got up from his seat and walked over to the adults. Right as Matteo got to them Clint left to do his own thing, so that left Matteo with Bruce and Stark. "Where's Nat?" Matteo asked them but they didn't answer him. They where to busy talking nerdy crap for Matteo, so Matteo rolled his eyes and went ahead to go follow Clint. "Clint?" Matteo called out for him as he entered a weird lab like room. Clint turned around and seen Matteo "oh hey kid. What do you need?" Clint asked as he was setting up a machine. "Where's Nat?" Matteo asked as he watched him. "Oh uh..she's been captured by Ultron. And I'm gonna see if I can find her. Why don't you go back upstairs and help Tony and Bruce. I'm pretty sure they need your help." Clint said as he continued to set up the computers. Matteo did a sigh before he went ahead back up to where Bruce and Tony where at.

Right as Matteo entered the lab he was bombarded by Tony. "Hey! Kid! Come here I need your help on watching monitors and buttons." Tony stated. Matteo looked at the cradle and then Tony, he had a really deep gut feeling but he then pushed it aside and went ahead and walked over to Tony. "That's the spirit kid! Now all I need you to do it watch this monitor and push this one button when things start to look crazy. Got that??" Tony said as he then walked over to Bruce. "Uh.." he said but he was pretty sure Tony didn't care what his input was about, so he kept to himself and watched the boring monitor.

2 hours later

Matteo was now sitting next to Bruce on a chair dazing off asleep. He was so bored from the 2 adults working on the cradle he started to fall asleep. Tony didn't need his help with the monitor that much since Matteo would faze off and not pay attention. Hell Matteo was so bored he forgot to pay attention to it so Tony just kicked him off of that duty and made him just sit. As Matteo was about to fall asleep he felt and heard a vibration, the young boy was a bit confused so he looked around the room.

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