65. The Mask

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[long chapterrrr yeah!!!]

August 26th, 2023
8:30 am

Matteo was sitting in the kitchen with Agatha eating breakfast like the past couple of days. As he sat there and ate in silence he soon heard someone running down the stairs. Both Agatha and Matteo looked over to see the man with silver hair. "Sup peeps!" The man stated as he walked over to the refrigerator. "What did I tell you about speeding?" Agatha said bluntly as she seemed already annoyed, which made Matteo take notice. "Relaxxxx I'm not leaving the house anytime soon! Plus let me live. I'm doing as told! Waiting for orders." Pietro said in a duh tone as he pulled out a box of milk and drank from it. Matteo cringed as he soon went ahead and turned back to his breakfast.

The witch groaned in annoyance before she put her hand on her forehead. Matteo looked up at her before he then felt as if he should help his "mother." Right when the boy was about to say something he felt someone pull him into a hug? "What do you say bro? How about you and me go play some games upstairs huh?" Pietro asked and he gave the traumatized boy. Matteo used his magic to blast Pietro off of him before he felt his heart racing. "WOAH!" Pietro yelled out. Agatha just smirked before she took a long sip from her orange juice. Pietro rolled his eyes before he got up and patted the nonexistent dirt off him. "Fine then. I'll be up in the attic waiting for orders your highness" the man said in a sarcastic manner before he used his speed to go up to the attic.

Matteo watched the fade of blue go away before he soon turned back to the table. As he sat there and ate his food all he could do is feel empty as if he wanted to go up with Pietro to play with him. Like he would love to chill out, but he doesn't know that man. He only wants to be outside with his friends and play again. Agatha looked over at the boy before she got up with her plate and went over to the sink. Right as she did so she peeked through the curtains to see Wanda and Vision struggling with the twins. She then smirked before she snapped and got ready for her doing of disaster. "Ok Mattie I'll be out now. I'll see you in a bit dear. Relax and mellow out. You look exhausted hun." She stated before she headed out. "CHOW!" She yelled out as she soon slammed the door shut.

Matteo sighed before he put everything away with a flick of his wrist. The boy then went over to the living room and just laid on the couch. As he laid there all he could do is look at the blank tv screen and just think. Why did he feel empty? Why did he feel numb? Why did he feel as if he had no meaning and no emotion really? What's wrong with everything? The boy had many thoughts going on. As he laid there all he did was start to feel overwhelmed so he quickly turned his hearing aids off so he can calm down. As he did so he soon put his arm over his forehead and soon closed his eyes, hoping that he can get some rest. As he did so he felt a warm tingling feeling within him, the weird connection he was having ever since Agatha and the neighbor has been acting weird. He then felt sadness and guilt in a way? He didn't know what it really was. But all he knew is that he felt connected with who or whatever it was. But the boy just let it be and soon just tried to get a nap in, since he didn't know what Agatha would want him to do today when she gets back.

Next door

Wanda and Vision where with no luck on getting the twins to stop crying and sleep. As the parents tried to put pacifiers in the baby's mouths, they smiled a bit before both the twins spat out the pacifiers and cried harder leaving the parents hopeless. "Vis?" Wanda asked. Vision put his arm over Wanda and hummed in response. "What are we doing wrong? Matteo never did this when he was little... even after all we went through he never cried like this." Wanda said sadly as she leaned into Vision. "Don't you worry my dear. We will figure everything out. Like we did with our last boy..." Vision stated as he kissed the top of Wanda's head knowing she's grieving her first son figure. "Well we need time to get to know one another" Vision stated as he looked at the babies. "Or maybe we just need some help?" Wanda asked out as she looked at the babies in defeat. And right as if on que Agatha rang the doorbell, which left Vision running over to the couch to try to disguise himself.

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